Thursday, October 13, 2022

AG Spotlight: Llewellyn Martin

I gotz green hair.  It took forever for the Moon Girl to get my bangs trimmed, too.

FULL NAME:  Priscilla Llewellyn Martin (middle name is pronounced "Lou-Ellen")

WHERE I GOT MY NAME:  I came with the name "Priscilla."  The Moon Girl added the middle and last name.

NICKNAME:  I guess going by my middle name counts.  I just prefer my middle name.  I'll also answer to the shortened form, "Lew."

CUSTOMIZED FROM:  My neck is marked Pleasant Company, so I'm either PC or transitional.  Other than that, I don't know.

BIRTHDAY:  December 11th

HOMETOWN:  Cornelius, North Carolina

HEAD MOLD:  Classic

HAIR COLOR:  Lime green, light yellow, and cyan

EYE COLOR:  Light blue


FAVORITE COLORS:  Day-Glo anything, especially green

THINGS I LIKE:  Dancing, parties, anything that glows in the dark, black lights, CAKE (!!!), springtime, Frozen, ice skating (it helps wintertime be less...well, winter), Ritalin, coffee (coffee helps more than Ritalin, believe it or not), 

THINGS I DISLIKE:  Wintertime (except for ice skating), being sick, sticks in the mud, hail, having ADHD,

MY CHOICE OF MUSIC:  Anything goes except modern pop.  My favorite song is "Funk It," by Brock Berrigan.

PET:  Duchess, a grouchy-looking gray tabby cat.

BEST FRIENDS:  Molly, Doremi, Denise, and Kyle, because they all like to dance, Zoe, because she sings (and because everyone loves Zoe), and Justine-Marie, because she likes Disney stuff.  I'm also close to Robina, Anna, and Briar Rose, Casa del Luna's resident Disney Animator dolls.

SOMEONE I'D RATHER AVOID:  Amanda and Samantha are both too quiet.

HOW I CAME HERE:  I came from Etsy, from a shop called Brandi's Doll Boutique.  Four of my sisters are still available for adoption, including two that are a lot like me.

ABOUT ME:  I'm Casa del Luna's little hippie-dippy girl...sort of.  That title could also go to Julie or Lark, which suits me just fine.  We can all be little hippie-dippy girls together. 

Speed of lightning!  Roar of thunder!  Speaking of thunder, the weather was not at all nice last night, as you might can tell from the reflections behind us.  Y'all think I have enough hair?

Lark and Xenia both think they have a lot, but I think I've got 'em both beat! 

*Side note from Lark:  Slow down, you crazy child.  You've crammed hippies, the weather, your hair, AND an Underdog reference into one paragraph, AND you got your dress wet!

Yeah...where was I?  As I mentioned in my dislike section, I have ADHD and it's hard to focus on just one thing for any length of time.  My closest friends get me, but some of the other dolls think I'm just being obnoxious for the delight of it.  I'm not, I promise!  I just...can't control it sometimes.  Thank goodness for Ritalin...and coffee.  Coffee doesn't always help folks with ADHD, but it works for me and I am very glad.  My friends all thought I was nuts drinking coffee at my age, but when I explained it to them they were more understanding.  Sometimes I drink soda pop too, and I giggle when the Moon Girl watches me with big, sad eyes.  LOL, she covets Coca-cola!

In other news, everyone thought Justine-Marie was the resident Disney freak, but I'm almost as bad.  While Justine-Marie is an all-around Disney fan, I have a special fondness for Frozen.  I don't have a big collection of stuff like Justine-Marie does, but I've got friends that are far more important than stuff.  I've gotten close to Anna, one of the Animators dolls, because of my love for Frozen, and because she's just a sweet kid.

We make a good pair since we both love green, and because Anna is kind to animals.  She and my cat Duchess are quite fond of each other.  Don't let Duchess's grumpy expression fool you; like Tardar Sauce, she looks cross, but she's very sweet.

Since Anna is friends with Briar Rose and the Dutch girl Robina I became their friend by default.  We have a good time together.

Okay, it doesn't look like we have fun together, but we do.  We were all trying to hold up against a fairly stiff breeze in that picture.  Indeed, I think Briar Rose was losing that battle when Moon punched the button!  Yes, fall is here, fall is here...and that means that Anna, Lark and I will soon have to wear...dare I say it?  We'll have to  Oh well, what cannot be cured must be endured, as the Moon Girl likes to say.

Catch ya on the flip side,
Llewellyn Martin

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