Thursday, June 30, 2022

AG Spotlight: Silver Bird Le

I was the Moon Girl's first Just Like You doll, but certainly not her last!

FULL NAME:  Arizona Matagorda Silver Bird Le

NICKNAME:  My full name is such a mouthful that I just go by "Silver Bird."

WHERE I GOT MY NAME:  Matagorda Bay, a song by Mark Lindsey ("Arizona"), a song by Justin Hayward ("Silverbird"), and a common Vietnamese surname.  Like I said, a mouthful!  By coincidence, Mark Lindsey also performed a song called "Silver Bird," but I like "Arizona" better.


HOMETOWN:  Rural Texas, near Wichita Falls

HEAD MOLD:  Asian (I AM a #4, after all)

HAIR COLOR:  Black with a purple streak (not permanent like Luciana's)

EYE COLOR:  Dark brown; my left eye has a little silver in it, to be expected from an American Girl my age.

FAVORITE COLORS:  Purple, purple, purple, and silver

THINGS I LIKE:  Soccer and gymnastics (the trampoline is my favorite apparatus), vintage clothes, making friends, farm animals (especially pigs), tornado history (Wichita Falls got creamed twice, once in 1964 and once in 1979), playing the piano and any other instrument that has a keyboard, walking on fence rails, urban exploration and exploring in general, writing to my pen pal (Maryellen Larkin), and the University of Alabama.  ROLL TIDE!!!

THINGS I DISLIKE:  People monkeying with my hair, and unfortunately the Moon Girl does that often.  LEAVE IT ALONE, DANG IT!!!  I also hate falling off fence rails, but that doesn't stop me from walking on them!  I don't like pig bites either.  Slim doesn't bite often, but when he does, get your hands away PRONTO!

MY CHOICE OF MUSIC:  I like both the Moody Blues and Paul Revere and the Raiders, the bands fronted by Justin Hayward and Mark Lindsey, respectively.  I'll throw Yes into the mix since I idolize Rick Wakeman, and Journey because why not?

PETS:  Slim, a pig, Becca, a goat, and Baxter, a gray and white rabbit.

BEST FRIENDS:  Kyle, because he is also a tornado buff, Luciana, because she likes to explore (and because we have pets that are hard to feed), Julie, because she likes rabbits, and Zoe and Rilla Louise, because they dream of forming a band...with me as a member!

SOMEONE I'D RATHER AVOID:  I like Doremi because we like some of the same music, but she's a major ditz and she has a mean streak.

HOW I CAME HERE:  eBay.  Moon says she got me for a steal, probably because I'm not minty-mint.  A minty-mint #4 can go for a lot nowadays.  Whatever, I don't want to be minty-mint.

ABOUT ME:  I grew up on a farm, and I'm one of the few dolls in this gang who habitually prefers jeans and pants to dresses.  Not that I don't like to get my girly-girl on every now and then, of course!  This is my favorite dress.  Sage green with purple flowers and a purple bow.

As y'all can see, I love to climb, even when I'm in a dress, though unlike some of my friends I prefer to climb fences rather than trees.  The Moon Girl calls me her Flying Wallenda, and then she usually warns me not to fall...which I did right after this picture was taken.

I also like to play soccer.  I'm the only one in Casa del Luna who plays, but the sport is taking root in Malden quite nicely.  The Moon Girl says that two of the local churches have a team.  Too bad neither of them wear purple like I do.

In addition to soccer and fence-walking I'm both an explorer and a tornado buff.  Imagine my surprise when the Moon Girl told me of a small town about a hundred miles from here that got wiped out completely by a large tornado.  Kyle, Luciana, and I are all itching to go, and Moon has promised to make that happen for us.  I think it's a pity that we don't live closer to Mose, North Dakota.

Side note from the Moon Girl:  Heck, all there is at Mose is a sign...and an abandoned house that stood up in the blow.  I think it's a pity that we don't know more about the incident at Mose.  There is virtually NOTHING online!!!  What little information I could grub up implies that Mose was wiped out by a tornado, but at least one YouTuber thinks it might've been a derecho instead.  Wikipedia also implies that Mose was hit by a derecho rather than a tornado, but we all know how trustworthy Wikipedia is!  It's also possible that Mose got hit by a one-two punch, as derechos often contain embedded tornadoes.  Interestingly, the sign in Mose reads "1899-1943," but the post office was in service from 1934 to 1954.  Back to Silver Bird now!

Yikes, I never want to experience a derecho!  I saw pictures of the damage in Iowa a few years ago and that storm was a humdinger!  Thankfully the weather in the Bootheel doesn't often get that bad; indeed, the Moon Girl says we've been blessed over the past few years...but she also fears that "our time's a-comin'," as she puts it.  Let's talk about something happy now, shall we???  Uh...I like bunnies!  Y'all saw Baxter above; he loves to play ball, believe it or not.  I also have my farm animals; they're okay as long as one keeps their fingers away from Slim's mouth.  Pigs can bite bad!  Luckily for me Slim doesn't bite often; he prefers to have his belly rubbed, like a dog.  He can eat someone out of house and home, though; Luciana says it's a tie between Slim and Goldie (her Tribble) for biggest glutton, and I believe she's right!  The pig versus the Tribble...LOL, sounds like the title of a cheesy horror movie!  As for Becca, I...well, goats are much smarter than sheep, so I have Becca trained to be an attack dog of sorts.  If I say "Becca, sic 'em!" she'll charge whoever I set her on!  I've only had to do that Doremi, LOL.  Becca didn't even touch her; if I say "Becca, halt!" she'll stop, and that's what I did.  It sure made Doremi scream though!  Best laugh I've ever got!  But usually Becca is a good girl, just like Baxter and Slim are good boys.  She loves to have her head scratched, right at the base of her horns.

Regarding things that are cuddly but don't wiggle, here's my doll and my teddy bear.  Maryellen Larkin and Miss AG Bear.  I've had both of 'em less than a week.

Maryellen is my pen pal, and I asked her if it was okay if I owned her mini-self.  I think she was flattered and a little embarrassed, LOL!  But anyway, I own a small version of Maryellen now, and she's made fast friends with Miss AG Bear.

That's all about me, more or less.  If I take up any hobbies I'll let y'all know. 

Very truly yours,
Silver Bird Le

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