Thursday, June 16, 2022

AG Spotlight: Julie Albright

I'm the Moon House's resident hippie...except for the Moon Girl herself.

FULL NAME:  Julie Marie Albright

NICKNAMES:  "Cool Hands Albright," "Alley Oop," "Jules," "Sport."  The Moon Girl never uses any of these, but Lindsey likes the nickname "Jules."

BIRTHDAY:  May 1st

HOMETOWN:  San Francisco, California

HEAD MOLD:  Josefina

HAIR COLOR:  Light blonde


FAVORITE COLORS:  Red and purple, though it's hard to pick.

THINGS I LIKE:  Basketball and sports in general, handcrafts, browsing junk stores, wearing comfortable clothes, watching the world go by, macramé projects, Barbie dolls, small animals (especially rabbits)

THINGS I DISLIKE:  People who disrespect the environment, modern pop music, heights, snakes

MY CHOICE OF MUSIC:  Elton John, Rod Stewart, the Beatles, Chicago...classic rock in general.  I also like Motown and some disco.

PET:  Nutmeg, a brown rabbit.

BEST FRIENDS:  I belong to the Dumb Blonde Society (even though I'm not dumb), I play basketball with Kyle, I occasionally beachcomb with Kailey and Marina, and sometimes I talk sign language with Amanda and Joss.  I consider Kailey my best friend, since we're both environmentalists from California.  Lastly, Silver Bird and I like to trade rabbit-rearing tips, since we both own rabbits.

SOMEONE I'D RATHER AVOID:  Samantha's too gloomy!  Felicity and Kyle also sometimes make this list since we don't see eye-to-eye on politics.  I've NEVER won a debate against Felicity!

HOW I CAME HERE:  Moon found me on eBay for fifty bucks and fifty cents!

ABOUT ME:  I love watching the world change around me, though some of the changes sadly aren't nice.  Modern-day politicians take things entirely too far!  Since I can't win a political debate against Felicity I try to stick to conversations that are NOT political in nature.  I used to like beachcombing, but there are no beaches to comb around here.  I do still like to play basketball, and Kyle is arguably one of the best players I've ever met.  He's not unbeatable, but he doesn't give up until the fat lady sings.  I like his dogs too; I even offered to walk them for some spare change, but they get so much exercise playing with us that they don't need much walking!  Not that I need much money anyway, since the Moon Girl supplies most of what I need on her own dollar.  <blushes>  She really spoils us!  Anyway, as fond as I am of Kyle's dogs (and dogs in general), I prefer small animals like rabbits and guinea pigs.  I love Nutmeg but I'd like to try my hand at owning a chinchilla someday.  The Moon Girl owned one and she says Bentley was one of the most rewarding pets she ever had.

*Side note from the Moon Girl:  I STILL mourn for my Bentley!  Her death was so sudden and I'm still not over it!

Understandable, Moon Girl.  The memory of a good pet cannot be forgotten, especially if the death is sudden and/or traumatic.  Not to rub it in, but I'm glad Nutmeg is a stuffed rabbit.  That way I'll have her forever!  The Moon and I both wonder why American Girl hasn't released a chinchilla yet, especially after they've done fish and guinea pigs and critters like that.  Airy has a hedgehog, and AG hasn't done one of those either.  

*Side note from Airy:  I look HORRID in that picture!!!  I love my hedgie, though!  I named him Durian, after the spiky fruit.

*Side note from the Moon Girl:  Note how alive Julie's eyes look compared to Airy's.  And to think I once bashed brown American Girl eyes.

You also said that it depends on lighting, Moon.  In this case you got the lighting just right!  And I agree, Airy.  Hedgehogs are outta sight!  A little sharp, but far out nonetheless.  In my day hedgehogs weren't the most common creatures in pet stores; they didn't start becoming really popular until Courtney's time.  As out there as Airy can be, I'm surprised she doesn't own a snake!

*Side note from Airy:  That's Lark's thing, not mine!

Oh...right, I remember that.  Ewww...snakes...I'm not a big fan of snakes.  Oh yeah, Airy also owns a lop-eared bunny rabbit, but look how small Hopalong is next to Nutmeg!

Do miniature rabbits get that small, or is Nutmeg just huge?  Or is it a little bit of both?  I've read that miniature rabbits can sometimes be as small as kittens, so that would explain it. 

On my downtime I like to listen to music or write poetry, though NOT at the same time!  If I try to write poetry while listening to music, I rip off half the song's lyrics!  I have taken a few stabs at writing my own song lyrics, but I'm not very good at it.  Felicity, the guitarist of our bunch, says it doesn't matter how good I am at it as long as I have fun and create something meaningful to me.  I admit that I agree with her wholeheartedly on that.  We may not agree on everything, but we see eye to eye on the important stuff.  Now if only Felicity had her guitar, maybe she and I could collab...

Well, I'm going to park my keyster in front of a box fan and wish that I had my egg chair.  Moon says someday she'll get it.  

Love and XOXOX,
Julie Marie Albright


  1. Target's Our Generation has various pets for the 18" dolls, including a rabbit and a guinea pig. I love hunting for beach glass along the shore up here.

    1. But still no chinchilla!!! LOL, Courtney has a guinea pig; I love guinea pigs! Oh, and beach glass! You can't beat beach long as you don't step on a really sharp piece.
