Friday, April 15, 2022

Sneak attack

In keeping with my policy of sharing when the weather goes insane, here I am with a crash post.  The weather got off to a rough start this week, but we had almost ten days worth of warning so we were ready.  And then all it did was rain hard where we are.  Other folks got tornadoes last Wednesday though, so I shouldn't brag.  Tonight's event is something completely different, as we got...oh, I'll say about three hours of advance warning.  At three o'clock this storm system was nothing, and by the time I got home from work it had mushroomed into this.

It's never good when the text of the warning says that the tornado is confirmed, gets worse!
Tornado emergency is the highest warning level one can get.  It means there's a verified tornado, it's not going to change direction or dissipate, and you're in the path.  Here's what this mess looked like as it moved into Walnut Ridge.
Here's the radar return without the warning box.
I'm not sure if that white stuff is a debris signature or a hail spike, but either way it's bad.  The text of the tornado emergency keeps getting worse too; it's rare when the text talks about power flashes, but their presence is enuff to confirm the tornado's presence.
Walnut Ridge has apparently taken a direct hit.  Cars got flipped over.
Sirens are sounding in Jonesboro now, and KAIT mentioned Monette and Leachville needing to watch it.  Monette and Leachville both got hit hard in December.  It's a  nasty night on the Arkansouri border, kids!  I'm praying that it's not as bad in Walnut Ridge as I think it is.

Stay safe,


  1. I hope that you are safe and tornado-damage free this morning!

    1. All is well, praise God! I heard that the worst of it came from hail rather than tornadoes, and as far as I know Malden got no hail.
