Saturday, March 5, 2022

AG's new girl...and her doppelganger

This is semi-old news now since this doll has been on American Girl's website for a few days, but the newest Truly Me doll made her debut.  Her number is #92.

I like the looks of that!  Lots of black and blue with touches of super-bright pink here and there.  Her eyes are brown, which is a bit of a disappointment.  Of all the classic-faced dolls with medium skin, only two I'm sorry, three have eyes that are NOT brown (#43 and #44 have hazel eyes, and my beloved #49 has blue eyes).  But brown eyes are only a mild disappointment, and brown is the most common eye color in humans anyway so I should just shut face.  Unlike her older Street Chic comrades, #92 has her own special set of accessories.
I love how she's receiving a phone call from #88.  In the past I've mentioned a desire for a green-haired American Girl, but this pet with her blue and black and pink hair is pretty awesome too.  And yet...and yet she looks vaguely familiar...yes, she looks a bit like the Forever Dolls that I discussed earlier this week.  Particularly Rebel.
They're not exactly the same, of course, but they're not too far off from each other.  Rebel looks more like a little girl with her kite-tie blouse, while #92 looks closer to the snarky teenage stage.  And they BOTH remind me, it's not Mal they remind me of, but rather blue-haired Evie.  I said Mal earlier in the week, but Mal's hair is purple.  But yeah, both Rebel and #92 have dominantly blue hair with pink/fuchsia streaks, and they both wear their hair curly/wavy.  There's enuff differences that the two dolls can be told apart, but the similarities are there.  Similarities aside, I like the new Truly Me doll.  Will I be getting her?  Not anytime soon since I want to buy both Joss and Corinne this year, but she's on my radar.

Much love,


  1. I love her color palette and can definitely see the resemblance to Rebel. Stay tuned, maybe they will make a boy that looks like Axel. lol Hopefully without the "deer in the headlights" look. Its probably silly, but their numbers instead of names is off-putting to me.

    1. I know, right? The numbers sound so impersonal, like these dolls are reduced to blips of data rather than individuals. I wanted to give #92 a pet name, but I didn't because it would look like I bought her, LOL.

  2. I don't know if I should be amused or mildly miffed that this doll is released less than a year after I made a custom on a classic mold with a wig featuring the same colors and such, like, this girl is a doppelganger for my custom. I love her but I kinda already have her? Lol.

    1. I guess you could just chalk it up to great minds thinking alike!
