Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Kill the groundhog

Punxsutawney Phil predicted six more weeks of winter, and indeed, this is what we're facing tonight.  

The locals are saying this could be as bad as the ice storm in 2009, which is REALLY bad!  The power was out for...I think a week, and even when the power came back on the schools were "closed indefinitely," as the television delicately put it.  My sister said it was "a real trip," her way of saying "Well, that sucked."

With my bearded dragon over the rainbow bridge I don't have to worry too much about anyone freezing to death, but downed power lines also mean power surges and fires and other fun stuff like that, so I'm hoping and praying that it won't be as bad as they say it will.  Storms can change direction at the last minute, right???  Please, please, PLEASE let this storm do that!

If sh!t does get real I'll share pictures of the damage.  But hopefully, God willing, said sh!t won't get real.  In the meantime I'm gonna load my shotgun and google recipes for groundhog stew.

Stay safe, stay warm, and stay well,


  1. I haven't heard anything about our weather getting worse. We have been snowed in for two days now, but I think the worst is over. I hope you'll be okay.

    1. Well, it's safe enuff for us to skate into work, even though you could probably play hockey on it. LOL, I exaggerate, but it's still no trip. Thawing is supposed to start tomorrow, thank goodness.

  2. If it makes you feel any better, the New Jersey groundhog passed on the day before Groundhog's Day. Also, our very own Buckeye Chuck predicted an early spring. But Groundhog's Day will forever for me be my youngest daughter's birthday (since 1999) so I don't pay much attention anymore. Hope things didn't get too awful down there. Here on Wednesday we got rain which turned to snow around 8 on Weds. night, then continued to fall hard until some time Thursday afternoon. Our bigger issue has been cold; it was below freezing for most of January, and we won't get any respite until Sunday, when it is predicted to be a whopping 35 degrees.

    1. Yeah, it's supposed to get above freezing here on Sunday too. Thank God, I say. We did get fortunate, as the ice wasn't anywhere near as bad as predicted. The local weather was saying "the worst storm since 2009," but this wasn't even close. Hopefully your forecast will hold true; the cold is just awful!
