Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Rosemary has a broken neck!

Rosemary Green,
and Lavender Blue,
Thyme and sweet marjoram,
Hyssop and rue.

--"Rosemary Green and Lavender Blue," English rhyme

Maybe that's where everybody got the idea that lavender is blue rather than...well, lavender!  Don't worry, I'm not going to rip Miss Emily off completely and start flipping My Twinns, but this little poppet needed someone to love her.  So in the heat of the moment I bought her.

It was the heat of the moment, tellin' me what my heart meant!  Or more like the heat of my fever, since I bought Rosemary while I was sick.  Anyway, Rosemary Caitlin Green dates from 1999 and came in a full outfit, including shoes.  That's more than Justin and Salome came with; I thought Justin's shoes would never friggin' come, and Salome still doesn't have any.  Anyway, Rosemary's outfit is a nice outfit, with kind of a mori girl vibe to it.  Granted, the shoes are peeling a bit as shoes like this will inevitably do, but I can make that look less unsightly with a little fabric paint.  

For that matter Rosemary's clothes all can do with a good washing, easy if one has a dab of Dawn and a large pickle jar, but her main problem is this.

As I bluntly stated in the title, Rosemary's neck is broken, but thanks to Miss Emily's awesome My Twinn blog I know how to mend this.  Some glue (will tacky glue work?) and a new cable tie, and she'll be good to go.  Now I just need to get the cable ties; I've never worked with those before, but how hard could it be? 

The rest of Rosemary's armature is in one piece as far as I can tell.  She holds all the poses she should, and probably some that she shouldn't.  She squeaks a little, more than Justin and Rael do, but far less than Salome.

Rosemary brings another new face to my collection, one that I like quite a bit.

As with the Ariel head there are two variants to this head, one called "Rosemary" and one called "Caitlin."  "Caitlin" has bigger, slightly crazed eyes, and both have the sedate, relaxed, Mona Lisa-esque smile.  After some discussion with friends on Failbook, I learned that some folks don't believe the "Caitlin" variant even exists, or if she does the difference is pretty subtle.  So I just used my own judgement and have labelled this head a "Rosemary" head.  Since I don't have a doll named Rosemary yet, the name stuck.

Aside from her broken neck and a loose wig Rosemary is in pretty good shape.  She's blonde and blue-eyed like Justin is, but her wig is original and needs...oh, maybe it needs a little TLC.

It's kinda dry like Salome's is, and it has heavy bangs up front that can be a blessing or a curse for these dolls, but I like this wig enuff to keep it around.  Rosemary's eyes are a darker shade of blue than Justin's are, but I wouldn't quite call them violet.

Hmmm...then again, maybe I would.  They have that purple cast that Miss Emily doesn't like and I do like, and because Rosemary is a Rosemary head her eyes are a tiny bit wonky.  Her eyelashes are all the way attached, which is more than I can say for Rael.

LOL, I'd better trot out the tacky glue!  I'll be needing it for Rosemary's wig anyway.

As I was readying myself for work this morning I caught Rosemary and Justin..."cuddling," LOL.

Don't get me wrong, the relationship between these two is strictly platonic (Justin has his eye on one of my American Girls), but they make for a cute pair.  But...notice how...well, how ORANGE Justin is compared to Rosemary, and to Rael and Salome too, for that matter.  Justin is from an era where dolls sometimes came in this unusual orangish tone, referred to as Outstanding Orange Blossom.  LOL, I may have to ask the folks on Failbook if Justin is one of them.  He dates from the correct year, 2002, when skin tones varied quite a bit for some reason or another.  I don't know how popular the Outstanding Orange Blossom tone is among collectors, but I rather like it.  With the right wig and eye combo it can look quite nice.

So my little My Twinn crew has expanded to five (four big ones and Xenia), though I haven't yet given up the search for a nice Denika.  I just need to be patient, I guess...and patience is NOT one of my virtues!  



  1. Your new girl is cute and has an adorable outfit. I've been shopping for doll wigs and see ones with bangs far more than I would like. I think it's because it helps hide the edge of the wig cap, though.

    1. They do hide the edge of the cap nicely, yes! My main issue with bangs is that they can look unkempt if not maintained; I've had that problem with Rosemary already. Diligence is key, I guess.
