Friday, December 31, 2021

Happy dollies for a happy new year

The new year is likely already here for some of y'all, but for me it's still a half-hour away.  My mom thought it might be a good idea to get some pajamas together and have a pajama party for my dolls, so that's exactly what I'm gonna do.  First, the PJ's; my friends on the Failbook groups liked these pictures quite a bit, so I'm sharing them here.  As usual, my mother supplied a lot of these.  Here's Kailey (left) and Denise...

...Llewellyn (left) and Justine-Marie...
...Kyle (left) and Amanda...
...Doremi (left) and Airy...
...Rita Cheryl (left) and Zoe...
...and Courtney. 
Kyle, Kailey, Llewellyn, and Denise are enjoying one of my favorite New Year's Eve pastimes, Crazy Eights.
Well actually, my family's game of choice was Uno, but Mama tells me the two games are played similarly.  LOL, one year my sister was such a sore loser that Daddy stacked the Uno deck against her and deliberately made her lose!  Great laughter was had at the little turd's expense.  And no worries, as our games weren't usually that snarky.  Ah yes, evenings playing Uno or Rummy or Pop-o-Matic Trouble were always evenings well spent.  Or Pass the Pigs.  Any of y'all ever played that?  Best game ever in my book. 

Rita Cheryl and Airy have decided to pass on the cards and consult the 8-ball, or "insult" it, as Daddy would've joked.
Rita Cheryl:  "Will Doremi and I ever be friends again?"
8-ball:  "Reply hazy, try again."
Rita Cheryl:  "Drat."
Airy:  "That's like the fifth time you've asked that."
Rita Cheryl:  "I'm tired of fighting with her!"

Hate to break it to you, Rita Cheryl, but this is what the 8-ball actually said.
According to the chart, "Reply hazy, try again" is the most ambiguous of the replies, and asking again probably will do no good.  For our readers, the conflict between Doremi and Rita Cheryl is pretty complicated and won't be fixed with a casual conversation at a party.  Doremi is completely oblivious to Rita Cheryl's question anyway, as she's focused instead on her new doll and her new teddy bear, both Christmas gifts.
I solemnly swear that that's the bear that came with the nighttime treats accessory set, and NOT Bitty Bear...or maybe it is.  The two look exactly alike, so maybe they are indeed one and the same.  Dang, I wish Bitty Baby still came with Bitty Bear, or any of those little stuffed animals, for that matter!  As for Doremi's doll, she's an obvious Addy; Doremi is an Addy fan.
Doremi doesn't know yet that I plan on adding Big Addy to the group in the coming year.  Anyway, Justine-Marie and Zoe want to compare notes with Doremi since they too have mini-dolls.  Coordinating mini-dolls, no less!
Denise neglected to bring her little Luciana, but Courtney brought Molly, and her stuffed animals too.  She never thought to introduce Molly to her Popple, her Care Bear, or her unicorn.  LOL, Courtney collects stuffed animals and doesn't care what decade they come from. 
Okay, Courtney's Popple is actually a Puffling, but he's the perfect size for her.
Amanda has eschewed the playthings and focused on reading, as usual.  I've got the books that accompanied Mini Addy, Mini Molly, Mini Cecile, and Mini Luciana.  Amanda has been dipping into all of those, reading a chapter here and a chapter there, kinda like changing TV channels.
Amanda has to wear her brace to bed, hence the roomy pajamas.  As a little rabbit trail, Laura Ingalls Wilder noted that in her day some people slept in their corsets (Laura herself refused to).  I have a friend who has scoliosis and wore a Milwaukee brace during her youth, and she had to sleep flat on her back with a pillow under her knees to keep her hips tilted just so.  Deenie Fenner also had to sleep on her back in her book (minus the pillow), so I can only imagine how uncomfortable sleeping must be for poor Amanda.  I personally HATE sleeping on my back, and I DON'T have a back brace!  But then again, Amanda doesn't have a large chest and I do, so that's also a factor.  Yeah...on a more positive note, we've got grub to get everyone good and sick.  We've got popcorn, pretzels, flower cookies, and pizza, or "azzip," another example of Daddy's fondness for word play.  LOL, he liked saying words backwards!
Courtney and Justine-Marie have decided to dig in, complete with soda and hot chocolate. 
Courtney:  "I'm sorry I don't have my sleepover stuff.  I could've provided some music and some nachos."
Justine-Marie:  "No worries, love, there's always next year."

No need to apologize, Courtney!  I'm the one who supplies all the stuff, and I'm the one who dropped the ball.  Well that, and eBay sellers are charging outrageous prices for that sleepover set.  I didn't have to pay sixty to eighty bucks for the Nighttime Treats set (the set with the bear, the cards, the 8-ball, and some of the snacks), so what gives for Courtney's set???  Oh well, eBay and Etsy have plenty of other odds and ends, so if these kids ever have another party I can be better prepared for it.

And thus falls the curtain on 2021 in Casa del Luna.  No one died (except for poor little Sally), no one's roof blew away, no one lost their job, though I was certain that I would back in April.  But it's been a good year, not great and not terrible.  I forget how many AG-sized dolls I added to my bunch, but for the first time I bought more of them than I did Barbie!  This coming year I plan on adding Joss and Addy, probably Corinne, and possibly Gwynn and Evette, but we'll see how those plans go.  I think Rita Cheryl has given up on the 8-ball and is now planning on some ZZZ's.
Not a bad idea, really.  Not on a raw, rainy night like tonight.  

Happy New Year, 


  1. Courtney's sleepover set is expensive straight from AG because her boombox actually works. Depending on the tape you put in, it really plays music. That's part of why it's as expensive as it is - the electronic component.

    1. Okay, that makes sense! I should've thought about that.
