Thursday, December 9, 2021

After-Thanksgiving-Pre-Christmas AG haul

This year Thanksgiving was pretty miserable.  Oh, the food was good, but Sally died, First Uncle couldn't make it down, Second Uncle's house was in complete disarray (it's being rewired), and Second Uncle himself WOULDN'T.  SHUT.  UP.  Chatter, chatter, chatter, about nothing, nothing, nothing.  If one subject doesn't go the way he wants it to he just brings up something else to ramble about.  So what's a girl to do?  Well, if you're a spendthrift like me you buy crap on eBay and Etsy.  Stuff like...oh, Meatloaf.

Mama HATES the name "Meatloaf," LOL.  I think it makes sense, myself.  Bulldogs are round and soft like meat loaf, and some folks think they're ugly like Meat Loaf (LOL again).  I don't think bulldogs are ugly, and while I don't like Meat Loaf's music he himself seems like a cool guy.  But I digress.  The package Meatloaf came in had Christmas doggies on it!
One of 'em is a Boston terrier!  My family has a special fondness for Boston terriers.

I also picked up Kira's wallaby care set.

Got that one mint-in-box, though it didn't stay that way, LOL.  Kailey Hopkins will be taking care of him.

Kailey is NOT part of the haul; I bought her on a whim earlier in the month.  Since Kira won't be coming home Kailey will be my resident animal lover.  Both the bug dress (top) and the beachy set are hers.

The beachy set looks a little like scrubs, so I pretend that they are.  I don't know if wearing scrubs is routine when caring for animals, but it makes sense to me.

This, on the other hand...this is for good ol' Courtney, 'cause everyone needs a Care Bear nightie!  I would've thought this getup wouldn't be warm enuff for wintertime, but the sleeves are made of fleece so it's all good.

The avocado dress will probably be for Zoe, since she looks so nice in bright colors.

I love grab bags/mystery bags/fukubukuro bags/whatever y'all want to call them.  I love them because they're a good way to flesh out a doll's wardrobe without spending a ton of money.  Now granted, grab bags are always a mixed...well, bag, with some stuff being cruddy and some stuff being great (one time I got a ballet set that is still airing out, it stunk so bad).  This stuff was/is mostly handmade, and there was A LOT of it crammed into one little sandwich bag.  I love the print on that flowery thing, and I see a pair of purple shoes!

The brightly colored flowery thing turned out to be this bodysuit, which will look cute on one of my darker dolls like Zoe or Marina or Luciana or Rita Cheryl.
The pink plaid babydoll top has Doremi's name written all over it.
This flowered cardigan...I'm not sure who will wear that.  It has a hippie/upcycled vibe that screams "JULIE," but the soft pink brings Doremi, Zoe, and Kailey to mind.  The cardigan is nice and roomy, meaning that it would fit my Pleasant Company dolls (Denise, Silver Bird, and Amanda) nicely.  It's been awhile since I got something new for Denise, so she may get this.
There were also two skirts in the mix.  One is pink and purple plaid, and the other one looks black but is really navy blue.  I may sequester these for Silver Bird, even though she's not big on skirts.
And the purple shoes?  Those are totally for Silver Bird!

Some grab bags are good and some aren't, but that grab bag was a good one.  I can use all of those pieces, though I'm not sure who with yet.  Now the next few items I know who I want to go to.  This is another Girl of the Year item...

...but it's Lea's (pardon my beat-up old pillow) rather than Kira's or Kailey's.  Justine-Marie will wear this when spring comes.
Rita Cheryl is a child at heart and loves kids'  shows, so I got her a Dora the Explorer dress.

Now she'll need some pink boots to go with that!  I think in the original show Boots's boots were red, but they're pink on the dress, LOL.  I'm more of a Blue's Clues fan myself, but I enjoyed the few episodes I saw of Dora the Explorer.

Of course good dollies gotta eat, and these food items are a little special, as they're those blind bag items that were available recently.

I positively love blind bags, and yet I had no idea that these were available until...a week ago, was it?  There was a line of hobbies and school supplies, a line of food items, and a line of...snack items???  Food and more food?  Actually the line of food items was called "What's cooking?" and had kitchen utensils along with foodstuffs, so it makes sense.  Anyway, the papayas and the cocoanut drink came from the snack line, and the snack line is interesting because all the pieces...were rehashes.  Yep, every single item came from some other AG set that was available or is available.  According to the wiki the papayas came from Nanea's luau set, while the cocoanut stuff appears to be from Lea's beach picnic set, though the luau set has these too.  

The chocolate tart (torte?) came from Grace's pastry cart, and I can remember Miss Emily saying that it's huge in comparison to the dolls' hands.  She's right, of course...if this thing is indeed a tart.  Since it's made of chocolate and has layers and decorations I think this is actually a torte.  The other item is a cup of hot chocolate, perfect for this chilly weather we've been having in the Bootheel.

The hot chocolate came from the Let's Smile Accessories in the Create Your Own series.  Miss Emily's CYO doll Eliza had these accessories, so I knew to take off the lid and see this.

I don't think this is the secret heart that Robert Peter Tristam Coffin spoke of, but it works for this modern day, when humanity is cold even in summertime and a nice warm drink feels good, and when a chocolate fix is welcome anytime.  I'm almost always ready for chocolate, for example!

Mama has been having some fun too, LOL.  She got a Scottish-type outfit for Molly (left), an autumnal-themed outfit for Rita Cheryl (center, I hadn't supplied the boots yet)... this camo set for Marina (left), and a plaid outfit for...oh, I may give that to Rita Cheryl too, since she has nothing for winter yet.
Then there's this Alice in Wonderland getup.  If my boss hadn't put the kibosh on keeping dolls at the library, I'd declare January Kiddie Lit Month and dress Doremi up in this.  With her blonde hair she's a born Alice.

Less fairytale and more like something I'd wear is this set that Mama got.  I haven't decided yet whether I want Doremi or Silver Bird to have this...or maybe Zoe, since she looks good in pink.

Whoever gets it, I'm thankful for the blue jeans.  One can never have too many pairs of blue jeans.  So that's it, largely.  I've got a few more things on their way, but they're not here yet and I didn't want to wait longer to post this (LOL).  The main thing that I'm waiting for is a tie-dyed shirt for Lark.  I love tie-dyed shirts for myself, but I don't have any for my dolls...not yet, anyway.  It'll get here pretty soon.


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