Tuesday, November 30, 2021

The ballad of Mustang Sally

WARNING:  this is not a happy story.  Approximately two weeks ago my mother found this little goober running around in the road and brought it to me.  The kitten was a young, purring female, and on the spur of the moment I christened her Mustang Sally, after the Wilson Pickett song that I love.  

Sally quickly made herself at home, purring and happy on my stomach.
Meeting Allie, the younger of my two calico cats.  Allie wasn't thrilled, but in time she got over it.
Charcoal paw pads!  I've never owned a cat with white feet and dark jellybeans!
Kneading Mommy's tummy!  She's not sleepy here, just shielding her eyes from the flash.
NOW she's sleeping, with her paw as a pillow.
Enjoying head scratches.
With Tommy.  Tommy acted tough at first, but he eventually warmed to Sally.  I suspect that these two may have been related since their markings were similar.
Here I left the flash off so that I could get a picture of her open eyes.  And yes, my pajama pants have cats on them.
Washing her butt.  I don't think she was too happy with having her privacy invaded.
Saturday evening I noticed a downturn in Sally's health, but it was too late by then to get her to the vet.  I upped her food and gave her extra cuddles.
Please get better, little one!
Early this morning, before I went to work.  She ate only a few bites of her meat, and I had a vet appointment scheduled for 2:15.

2:15 came, I came home, and I found Sally in a puddle of her fluids, gasping for breath.  My first thought was that one of the other cats had attacked her, but it turned out not to be the case.  I took her on to the vet and requested a euthanasia, knowing that there was no way to save her, and then I watched as she slipped away unassisted, before getting the shot.

I am absolutely heartsick.  Sally was never a big eater to begin with, and beginning last evening she began to act like swallowing was choking her.  I have no idea what hastened her end, and since I couldn't pay for an autopsy I likely never will know, but I feel horrible knowing that I could've done something and waited too long.  Anyway, that's just another lesson learned:  keep a close eye on your cats while they're eating.  If you've got pets give them an extra squeeze tonight for Mustang Sally.



  1. Oh, I'm so sorry. I know you must feel bad, but chances are it was too late when you first noticed her having problems. You have my sympathies. I gave up getting more pets when by bird, Irving died. Too much pain when the loss comes. We still have three cats here, (Ivy took Mow to college), and a turtle, but no new pets are going to come in. (Famous last words...)

    1. Yeah, I'd said no more cats too since I have eight, but Sally was running loose and getting in the road, so my mom picked her up and brought her to me. She could've died in the street instead, so I console myself with that. Thank you for the kind words!

  2. I am so sorry you had to go through this. I had something similar happen with a little stray kitten in the early 1990's. I still shed a tear as I remember her poor little body go limp as she died in my car on the way to the vet. What I find comfort in is that while there was nothing I could have done for her, the last hours of her life were in a warm home in my lap and I felt love for her too. We have had many other cats since then. Mustang Sally was blessed to have had you! Hugs!

    1. Oh, that's the awfullest feeling in the world, feeling them fade as you try to be there for them. But as you pointed out they had someone with them in their last moments. It's worth it, for all the love cats and dogs give us!

  3. Awww, I'm so sorry for your loss. It's awful to lose our furbabies, no matter how long we have had them. But you gave sweet Sally love and care and comfort in her little life. Sometimes the Rainbow Bridge is just too compelling for them. Hugs to you!

    1. I just wish I could have done more! It's been almost a week and I still miss her. I think my other cats do too; they haven't been the same since Sally left us. How is Dorothy getting along in West Virginia?
