Thursday, November 11, 2021

Autumn at Crowley's Ridge

The passing of a front is often a mixed bag here in the Bootheel, as I expect it is elsewhere.  We can get anything from a single cloud and a puff of wind to a wave of tornadoes.  Last night we got rain and...I think I heard one crack of thunder, and today is clear, cool, and beautiful.  Since Mama and I had the day off we grabbed some grub and went out to the ridge, the same road where I took most of the pictures in this post.  Since it's just fall foliage I'll let the images speak for themselves.

Oh yeah, I had Reagan in tow.  I asked Mama to stop at this footbridge so I could take this picture. 
The home behind all this once belonged to a family friend, and it once served as the backdrop for a few of my senior pictures. 

Then there were more leaves.
Note that the kudzu is still bright and green, LOL.

Not bad, eh what?  I wouldn't trade living in the country for the world!

Much love,


  1. The scenery was beautiful but that doll has scary eyes!

    1. LOL, she does look a little scary, now that you mention it! I think it's because her eyebrows are washed out; she's not usually that possessed-looking.

  2. Thank you! Believe it or not, the ridge is the only prominent landform anywhere near here. Well, that and a seismic drop-off east of the city limits. The rest of this area is as flat as a chalkboard.
