Wednesday, October 13, 2021

"Alice" comes to visit

Bob Ross used to say "We don't make mistakes.  We have happy accidents."  Well, yesterday I fell victim to an accident that was...well, for me it was quite happy.  This young lady looks a little like Alice in Wonderland, so that's what I'm calling her for now.  UPDATE, 10/14/21:  Tam says that this young lady is indeed Dorothy, so I'll be changing the name.

Please note that this young lady will NOT be staying with me!  She belongs to Beth in WV and I'll have her in the mail ASAP!  I'm sorry I tore the box open, Beth!  Tam has sent both Beth and me things in the past, and she accidentally put Beth's name and my address on the package!  If it has my address on it I don't pay attention to anything else, so I'm sorry I messed up, Tam and Beth!  She'll be in the mail either today or tomorrow.  Anyway, this lovely little pet is one of the dolls Tam and her husband rescued from the highway.  She's missing a shoe and her poor little face has some scars.

Nothing a little paint and fray-stop won't help.  Anyway, Tam said that Alice Dorothy was marked under her wig, so I quickly dribbled that off and found both a date and a production number.

Attached to Dorothy's wrist is a handwritten paper tag (Lindsay also has one of these), and it says that Dorothy's maker is someone called Dianne Durand.  Dorothy was apparently an eBay find, obtained in 2002 for twenty-five bucks and some change.
A quick perusal of the web revealed only patterns, no premade dolls, for the name Dianne Durand.  This makes me wonder if Dorothy wasn't handmade by someone at some point.  

So Dorothy will be headed off to West Virginia soon, but I wanted to document her brief stay in the Bootheel.  Lindsay, my highway adoptee, and Adam, my Middleton doll, enjoyed the visit too.

I'll have her in the mail by the end of the week, Beth!  Thank you for sending her to me, Tam, even if I wasn't supposed to get her.  Adam and Lindsay send their love!

Yours always,


  1. I think you mean Dorothy. Maybe she was happy to get to visit her old friend Lindsay one more time! It's weird for me to look at your last picture and notice that all those little ones once lived at my house. I mean to send you a gift to pay for the postage to send Dorothy along to Beth. I don't know how that happened. Well, I do, but I mean, how could I not notice that I gave Ken the wrong address? I mean, she's "Beth in WV", after all!

    1. Ah, so she IS Dorothy! I wasn't sure which she was! I'm sure you just made an innocent mistake, just like we all do. Right now sweet Dorothy is in a new box, and all I have to do is get her weighed. If you'd pass the word along to Miss Beth that I may not get her in the mail until Monday, I'd appreciate it greatly. LOL, I certainly didn't mean to weird you out with the last picture; I just thought it was cool because they all came from you.

    2. Not weird in a bad way. I have informed Beth of what happened, She's cool with it.
      I'm guessing she's supposed to be Dorothy, what with the brown braids and the blue and white gingham. No guarantees though.

    3. As long as she's not upset! Dorothy makes about as much sense as any due to those braids; maybe Beth will even get her some silver or red shoes to wear.

  2. No worries, friends! I love seeing some additional info about her, and I'm sure she enjoyed visiting with her friends old and new. LOL! Red sparkly shoes would be great, wouldn't they? I'll have to look in my stash and keep an eye out!

    1. If I had any that fit her I'd have sent some! Alas, I have none. I should have her in the mail tomorrow.
