Thursday, June 10, 2021

Baby birds

Not doll-related, but I think it's cool so I'm sharing.  Every year barn swallows build a nest in the eaves of Mama's carport, and this year I finally got a good picture of the babies.  They look like they're very close to flying.

There are five of them, but the fifth one, barely visible on the right, appears to be very ill.  The others look quite healthy, and I figure that nest will be empty before too long.  Mama Bird was not the least bit happy with my presence so close to her nest, by the way.  Poor Mama Bird, I wish I could tell her that we mean her family no harm, but I can't, so I just took one picture and split.

Keep in mind that if these guys build nests in your eaves, they are very defensive and produce large quantities of crap.  However, they also eat mosquitoes and other obnoxious insects, so they're worth having around. 

Cheers and bird feathers,


  1. Unfortunately there's always a runt in every litter. He's probably malnourished because he's always been smaller and everybody crowded him out.

    1. Believe it or not, Mama said he was flying around this morning. Maybe he was just worn out because he was the first one to fledge.

  2. Replies
    1. LOL, my friends on FB said the same thing! Baby birds do tend to look like Tardar Sauce, don't they! Baby doves are the same way.
