Thursday, May 20, 2021

A very good question

Mama and I were discussing Zlata just now, and I happened to mention that Waldorf dolls are made of all-natural materials.  I was trying to justify the ridiculous prices for some Waldorf dolls (I don't guess there is much justification for some of those), and Mama said "Well if they're all-natural, won't they deteriorate over time?  That kinda negates the price!"

I never thought of that!  My Zlata is made out of wool, mohair, and cotton, as are most of her clothes, and what do moths love???  Natural fibers, particularly wool and other animal products of that stripe.  Plus, Waldorf dolls are made for children, and we all know how rough children can be on their things!  How well do fibers like cotton and wool stand up to that kind of abuse?  I've handled Zlata enough to know that she feels sturdy, but I also had to save her from one of my cats last night because cats have claws and Zlata's fabric is the snaggy type.

Do any of y'all have any long-term experience with Waldorf dolls?  If so, how are they holding up???  Kindly share your experiences, and to keep this post from being picture-free, here's what Zlata is wearing.  Yellow is definitely her color.

With Memorial Day, Flag Day, and Independence Day being not too far off, I'd hoped to find something patriotic for Zlata to wear.  Unfortunately either patriotism is scarce among Waldorf doll enthusiasts, or no one ever thought of it, because I can't find anything for Zlata to wear.  Oh well, her Dr. Seuss dress is red, white, and blue, so I can toss her in that.  Yes, Zlata has a Cat in the Hat dress just like Justine-Marie does.  I just never thought to photograph it.

Much love,


  1. I remember reading a newspaper article a number of years ago about a group of conservators who were trying to preserve some of the original Nasa spacesuits from the Apollo era because a lot of the synthetic materials used were starting to deteriorate after only a few decades. There was a throw-away comment in the article stating that a wool skirt that pre-dated written history was still in near perfect condition and required a lot less maintenance to preserve than the spacesuits. So maybe natural materials can hold up better than synthetics over time if they're properly taken care of.
    Signed, Treesa

    1. LOL, I ought to have known that sheep make their wool better than chemists make their plastic! But I didn't stop to think!

    2. I was thinking something along those lines too. Look how plastic and vinyl dolls are deteriorating already. There are ancient pieces of clothing that have survived being buried in bogs for centuries. The chemicals break down over time.
