Thursday, May 27, 2021

Throwback Thursday review: Galoob Bouncin' Babies

I'm RagingMoon1987, and I'm just gonna jump right in today.  Too bad I can't swim, LOL.  Today's doll is another product of Galoob, a company that I loved when I was a little girl.  Galoob had good toys, but for my small child mindset the name was the best part, as it sounded like an insult that Yosemite Sam would throw around.  Indeed, once when my sister made off with one of my toys I ran after her yelling "BRING THAT BACK, YA LONG-EARED GALOOB!!!"  Daddy burst out laughing and had to tell me that the insult was "galoot," not "Galoob."  Anyway, today's doll is a Bouncin' Baby, specifically Walkin' Baby.  Yes, like folks from the south and rock bands from Birmingham, England, this line seems fond of dropping the "g" on things.  Seriously, just ask the Electric Light Orchestra; they're always steppin', talkin', or livin' out life.  Here's Walkin' Baby, who is NOT from Birmingham, but rather from beautiful Sandy, Utah

Lovely to see you again, my friend!  LOL, more Birmingham bands!  Anyway, as with So Surprised Suzie I owned Walkin' Baby when I was little, and as with So Surprised Suzie I no longer have her.  While Suzie was one of my few childhood toys that got thrown away, my Bouncin' Baby was one of my few childhood toys that...broke.  My sister and I were careful with our toys, and thus we didn't have to deal with broken things too often, but my Bouncin' Baby was one of the unlucky ones.  Her leg popped off one afternoon while I was playing with her, and Daddy tinkered for over an hour before finally admitting defeat.  By that time Bouncin' Babies were no longer in stores, so I never got another one.  It was more for sentimental reasons that I'd kept my doll anyway, so when she had to be tossed I was sad but got over it in time.  I'll even admit that I forgot about it for awhile!

As if I haven't blathered enough, time for a history lesson.  Bouncin' Babies were a product of the late eighties and early nineties, and like many toys they had a darn catchy commercial jingle.  The dolls were all small babies that came in either white or black, and they all...did something.  They walked or crawled or wiggled or rocked in their rocking chairs.  Most of the dolls ran on batteries, with Peek-a-Boo Baby being the sole exception for some strange reason.  To activate the dolls you'd usually either pull the pacifier out of the doll's mouth or turn their head, with Walkin' Baby being one of the latter.  Each doll came with at least one accessory, and there were also clothing sets and other accessories available, as well as...other dolls???  I didn't know that until I read Ghost of the Doll's entry on Bouncin' Babies!  In addition to the Babies there were Bouncin' Kids, Bouncin' Princesses, Bouncin' Ponies, and Big Sisters.  Interestingly, the Big Sisters moved even though they didn't have the term "bouncin'" attached to their titles, while the Bouncin' Princesses have the moniker "bouncin'" even though they didn't bounce!  They did light up, so that's something.

My baby, whom I've chosen to nickname "Tallulah," came in her box, so of course I have to talk about that.

Ages four and up, the box says.  I was definitely NOT four when this doll was in stores, and yet I had one and I loved her.  I also love this sticker, another relic from the past.
Who here absolutely LOVED Kay-Bee toys?  <raises hand>  I loved going in there well into my teenage years, and I always will feel a teeny-weeny bit of sadness that my parents forbade me to go into Dyersburg, Tennessee's Kay-Bee the last time we were there.  Yes, I was fifteen and a half at the time, but I still wanted to go for old time's sake.  Both Dyersburg and Cape Girardeau closed their Kay-Bee branches not too long after that, so I never got to say good-bye.  Sad face.

Stroll down Memory Lane over, the sides of the box have a brief description of what Walkin' Baby can do...
...while the back of the box has a more detailed description, plus a list of the things that were available for these dolls.  There was a boatload of stuff, far more than I remember seeing when I was little.
Interestingly, the picture with Walkin' Baby shows her that blue or lavender?  I can't tell for certain, but I CAN tell it's not the pink romper that my doll is wearing.  I wonder if this variation exists or if it was just a change during production?  In fact, Peek-a-Boo Baby and Roll Over Baby are wearing different outfits too.  Ghost of the Doll shows Peek-a-Boo in a pink polka-dotted onesie and Roll Over in a blue striped dress, but obviously that's not what they're wearing in the stock pictures!
Strangely, stock photos of the other three dolls, Crawlin' Baby, Fussy Baby, and Cuddly Baby all match their Ghost of the Doll selves.
Go figure!  Packages do often say "contents may vary from picture shown" or somesuch like that, and this is part of the reason why!  Anywho, the tape on the sides of the box was already slit so opening Tallulah up was a breeze.  Note that she and her walker are attached to the backing with twist ties.
Easiest.  Box-opening.  Ever.  Can't package 'em like that anymore, not with today's generation of thieving little brats.  LOL, behind the interior of the box I found this.  Hallelujah, a sheet of instructions!
Ghost of the Doll wasn't sure where Walkin' Baby's batteries went, and...well, you have to take her head off to get the batteries in.  Yee-ouch!  We'll see how that works when we discuss this doll's body...maybe.

I remember these dolls being small and Tallulah is no exception.  She's six and a half inches from head to toe, putting her on an even keel with Arminta (my Israeli Ginny doll) and Penny Brite.
Since Tallulah is a baby doll, here she is with my other small baby dolls.  Here's Hattie (left) and Suzy Cute...
...and Red (left) and Rosie...
...and Hitomi...
...and Patsy Babyette and Tiny Cheerful Tearful.  
Of all the dolls seen above Tallulah is closest in size to Hattie and Tiny Cheerful Tearful.  None of them can share clothes.

Fun little story before I go further:  Rosie is a water baby (there's not a whole lotta Rosie there, LOL), while Tallulah is a Walkin' Baby.
When I was little and Mama introduced me to my original Walkin' Baby I thought she said "Water Baby."  So that was my doll's name then, and it's also why I named my current doll "Tallulah."  I wanted to pay tribute to my childhood idiosyncrasies, and "Tallulah" is a Native word for "leaping water."  Tallulah is definitely NOT a water baby though, as the instructions specifically state not to put these dolls in the water.  I love water babies, by the way; they're soft to the touch and they take on your body heat.  I just wish I could find some cute things for Rosie to wear!  Her current outfit is cute, but it's also too big for her.  Babyette wears it well.
Right, back to Tallulah now.  All of these Bouncin' Babies have molded and painted hair, with Tallulah's being sort of a strawberry blonde shade.  I love strawberry blonde hair.
There's a little bit of texture molded in there, though like most baby dolls it's pretty simple hair.  The paint isn't patchy like Baby Peep's hair was, so that's something positive.  Granted, baby doll hair often gets patchy with age (this is true with Baby Peep and with older Bitty Baby dolls), but this is normal wear and tear rather than a problem at the factory.  I love Tallulah's wispy hairline, by the way.  Some of these dolls have chunky bangs, but mine does not.
To the face now.
The face paint on these dolls varies somewhat, as BethE's little Rachel (a Cuddly Baby) has much prettier lips than Tallulah does.  Rachel's eyes are also different than Tallulah's, being a different shape and a different color.
Tallulah has squinty deep blue eyes that are...actually pretty different from the doll pictured on the box.  The doll in the stock image has wider eyes and rosier lips.
I like my doll's eyes though, as real baby eyes squint like that a lot.  The mouth...well, here's the mouth.
It's a sweet little mouth, painted delicately in a shade of pink, but it's maybe a teeny bit too pink?  Most babies don't have lips this pink, but it's a well-painted little mouth regardless.  I can overlook pink lips if the lines aren't too harsh.

I admit that I had a laugh when I undressed Tallulah, because her build is not terribly unlike Bobby Hill's.
Tallulah has five joints, but the only ones that can move freely are her shoulders.  They rotate a full 360 degrees.
Tallulah's body doesn't have much definition, just this little bellybutton...
...and some chubby little knees.
Note that Tallulah's shoes are both molded and painted on.  They have visible tongues and bows like toddler shoes tend to have, and the bottoms of the shoes are covered with...with what looks like the soft side of Velcro.
I assume that this is to keep Tallulah's hard little feet from scratching any surfaces she might walk on, but in truth I have no clue why her shoes are like this.

Tallulah's back is interesting and a smidge unsightly due to the position of five screws.  One of them is very strategically placed, LOL.
I can't help wondering how on Earth my old doll's leg came off?  Those hips look pretty sturdy, though they do feel a little loose when I manipulate the legs.

Oh, and the neck?  Beware, because this next picture is disturbing.  Tallulah's head does indeed come off, and there's room for a small battery inside her head.
Here's what the compartment looks like.
Crissy and Beth advises that activating Ideal's Harmony is important for keeping her in working order, and I assume that the same is true for all mechanical dolls.   I don't know if it actually IS true, but for Tallulah's sake I'll find the right size batteries and try her mech out.

Tallulah's stock outfit is about what one could expect for a baby doll:  a bonnet and a romper set.
The romper is constructed fairly sturdily, with the only fragile parts being the lace panels on the bib of the overalls.  She's also got a flocked rabbit on the bib.  I loved that bit when I was a little kid.
What a surprise, the romper closes in back with Velcro.  Here it's possible to see that Tallulah's blouse is not a separate piece, even though it looks that way.  Well played, Galoob.
The inside isn't pretty to look at, especially where the white fabric and the striped fabric join, but the seams are sturdy.
Tallulah's bonnet is white and trimmed with pink sateen ribbons.  The ties are also sateen.
That bonnet would never pass today's safety codes, but it sure looks cute!
All of these Bouncin' Babies come with some sort of accessory, and since Tallulah is a Walkin' Baby she comes with a pink plastic walker.
The walker is all one piece and is mostly plastic, though it has a ribbon to hold the doll in place.  This goes between Tallulah's legs.
The bottom part has rollers that allow the walker to move with Tallulah, just like all good walkers do.
LOL, reminds me of one of my favorite commercials when I was a kid.  Baby is put in his walker, and he proceeds to annihilate the living room.  Good thing the carpet was a Stainmaster carpet.  Good thing Tallulah can't go much faster than a snail.  I can't show y'all this because I don't have the right batteries, but my Walkin' Baby was pretty slow, just as a baby would be when he or she is just learning to walk.  My doll was pretty good at walking without her walker, by the way; I didn't do it often, but sometimes I'd turn my old doll's head, set her on her feet, and watch her go without her walker.  She did pretty well, though eventually she'd tumble over and I'd either have to pick her up or turn her off.

BethE reports that American Girl's new baby dolls are a little bigger than her Bouncin' Baby, but the AG doll could wear one of Rachel's dresses.  That might mean that there's some further clothes sharing possibilities with the two dolls, but I don't have any extra outfits...not yet, anyway.  For now I'm just gonna wrap this up.

*Not very poseable.  Understandable when one takes this doll's gimmick into account.
*Not very cuddly, either.  BethE states that her Rachel has some cuddle factor, but Tallulah does not.
*Tallulah doesn't feel particularly flimsy, but I know from bitter experience that these can break.
*Beware of batteries.  Probably we all know what batteries can do as they age, but beware just the same.
*I wouldn't advise letting a modern-day kid play with these, as they can break.  My doll didn't become dangerous when she broke like some toys will, but these are best left to adult collectors.

*Dang, this doll is cute!  She's cuter than I remember!
*Well-dressed, and extra outfits were available.  Some clothes sharing may be possible with the new American Girl babies, but don't quote me on that!
*Gimmick is kid-friendly.  I could turn my old doll on and off with ease when I was small, and I could even change the batteries by myself!  I really felt like a big girl, LOL.
*Clothes seem pretty sturdy, though I'd advise against pulling on the lace.  NEVER do that!
*There was a pretty good variety among these dolls.  If you didn't want the one that walked you could get someone who played Peek-a-Boo or rocked in a rocking chair.

I remember being fond of my old Walkin' Baby when I was little, but I had forgotten just HOW fond.  Owning Tallulah brought a lot of fun childhood memories back.  But is she a collector's item?, not really.  Not unless you like small baby dolls (which I do).  I haven't measured Tallulah against one of my American Girls, but she might make a suitable baby sibling for a doll like a Wellie Wisher or a Glitter Girl.  As I said above, be very careful about leaving batteries in these dolls for a long time (duh, y'all probably knew that!), and don't force them to do anything they're not supposed to do, lest they break.  Overall these are nice enough to have as props for bigger dolls, or if you fancy a trip back to childhood, like I do.  Just don't break their leg off, like I did when I was little!

Cheers to all,

Sunday, May 23, 2021

The flavor of the year?

Lemme far this year I've seen watermelon Dole Whip, watermelon Mountain Dew, and watermelon green tea.  The last of those is delicious!  Yesterday Kissy decided to get in on the act with a new summer dress.

It's actually a size too big, LOL!  I had to pin up the crotch so it wouldn't sag so terribly.  Mama gave it her stamp of approval so that's what counts.  Now all Kissy needs is a hair bow.  Everything's better with a bow!

Y'all enjoy the flavor of the year...unless you're allergic to it like one of my high school teachers was.  Then be afraid.  Be very, VERY afraid!

Hugs, kisses, and Dole Whip,

Thursday, May 20, 2021

A very good question

Mama and I were discussing Zlata just now, and I happened to mention that Waldorf dolls are made of all-natural materials.  I was trying to justify the ridiculous prices for some Waldorf dolls (I don't guess there is much justification for some of those), and Mama said "Well if they're all-natural, won't they deteriorate over time?  That kinda negates the price!"

I never thought of that!  My Zlata is made out of wool, mohair, and cotton, as are most of her clothes, and what do moths love???  Natural fibers, particularly wool and other animal products of that stripe.  Plus, Waldorf dolls are made for children, and we all know how rough children can be on their things!  How well do fibers like cotton and wool stand up to that kind of abuse?  I've handled Zlata enough to know that she feels sturdy, but I also had to save her from one of my cats last night because cats have claws and Zlata's fabric is the snaggy type.

Do any of y'all have any long-term experience with Waldorf dolls?  If so, how are they holding up???  Kindly share your experiences, and to keep this post from being picture-free, here's what Zlata is wearing.  Yellow is definitely her color.

With Memorial Day, Flag Day, and Independence Day being not too far off, I'd hoped to find something patriotic for Zlata to wear.  Unfortunately either patriotism is scarce among Waldorf doll enthusiasts, or no one ever thought of it, because I can't find anything for Zlata to wear.  Oh well, her Dr. Seuss dress is red, white, and blue, so I can toss her in that.  Yes, Zlata has a Cat in the Hat dress just like Justine-Marie does.  I just never thought to photograph it.

Much love,

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Up to no good, part two

DEFINITELY no Santa Claus for the Moon Girl this year, because she's been SUPER-BAD!!!  Meet Zoe Elise Barber.  She came from Pennsylvania, but I pretend that her character is from modern-day New Orleans.

Sharp-eyed Bailey Maria correctly identified Zoe as a Truly Me #26, one that I have spoken of in the past.  She has the light brown eyes that I wish Luciana had, but we'll get to that in a bit.  Zoe was an impulse buy, one that stemmed from my anger after the hellish week that I spoke of in this post.  I was originally shooting for Truly Me #91, but those are only available on eBay if they've been stripped, the poor things!  I also briefly considered Joss since she has a head mold that I don't own, but I desperately wanted another doll of color.  So Zoe now stands here in front of me, with her curls freshly reset and her eyes sparkling.  She's used, and her body tag was cut off, and she has a few minor scuffs, but her seller took great pains to make sure she's still nice.  Dig these curls!

Since Zoe is secondhand her curls are not as perfect as Courtney's, but her hair is certainly in better shape than poor Julie's is.  The curls are a bit shorter than those in the stock photos, leading the seller to wonder if they were cut at some point.  The ends look pretty even, so if Zoe's curls WERE cut the cutter did a good job.  And even if they were, no biggie.  Zoe looks cute with slightly shorter hair.  Her hairstyle is similar to Courtney's but not exactly the same.

Courtney has bangs and a topknot, but she also has a right-handed side part like Zoe does, and both of them have a lot of curls. 

From hair to eyes now.  Zoe has amber-brown eyes, kind of like I wish Luciana had.  

Her left eye is a little hypotrophic on reclining, thus why I added this pair of glasses.

As I've noted in the past, only #26 and #62 have these amber eyes, and both of them were retired in 2019.  So unless this eye color is being used in the Create Your Own line no current doll is using this particular shade.  I don't like this amber shade quite as much as I like the root beer eyes utilized by Tenney and #86, but I like them better than the dark, featureless brown of Julie's and Luciana's eyes.  They're the same color as my mom's eyes and my best friend's eyes, so that's a plus.

Since I made a hubbub about Luciana's skin tone, let's compare her to Zoe a little closer.  It turns out that Zoe is medium just like Luciana is.  LOL, I thought #26 was darker than this, but her wiki page says "medium" skin!  Five points from Hufflepuff for the Moon Girl not paying attention.

But hold up, there!  Doesn't Zoe look an eensy bit darker than Luciana?  Or is it just my imagination?

#26 was available from 2005 to 2019, meaning that there's a wide range of meet outfits she could be found wearing.  BUT...Zoe is wearing none of these.  She is wearing an outfit called "Recess Ready."

The seller wasn't sure these were the right pants, but no biggie, they look fine.

I love the shoes!  You can't beat metallic sneakers.

The seller thinks this doll was made in 2017 due to her neck originally being held on with a zip tie (she's got cloth ties now), and if that's so then I have a loose meet outfit from that time frame.  I hate playing Dolly Dress Shuffle with Zoe since she looks so cute as she is, but...I'm gonna do it anyway.  Some of y'all may recognize this dress as the dress Miss Emily's first American Girl wore.  It's called the Sweet Spring dress.

I've always wanted this dress, but I didn't think it would look very nice on a fair-skinned doll, and it's not really Luciana's style so Zoe got it.  I greatly appreciate the little barrette that holds her hair out of her eyes.  Such a clip is often required for side part hair.  A clip or a headband, like this cute little outfit came with.

Can't beat Etsy, or my mama!  My mom dresses my doll's better than anyone can!  By now y'all have probably noticed that Zoe sports a charm necklace just like another of my dolls does.  The Sweet Spring dress was manufactured during the charm era, and it subsequently came with this.

Denise has a necklace that accommodates charms like this, but I put my own charms on it.  I considered tossing Zoe's charm in storage, but it's really quite nice so I bought Zoe a necklace that matches Denise's.  I was expecting it to be a flat piece of plastic with a sticker on it, and it is, but the sticker is covered by a bubble of plastic.  Zoe's necklace currently has four charms in total:  the pink round "smart" charm that accompanied her dress, plus three that accompanied the necklace.

Square-shaped "fair," heart-shaped "smart," and rectangle-shaped "loyal."  Huzzah, I got one in each shape!  I'm going to look for a green one to break up all that pink a little, LOL, and maybe another rectangle to see if all rectangles are hard to put on the necklace.  Seriously, I had to bust out the needlenose pliers to get it on there.  I may also add a fleur-de-lis or something Mardi Gras-themed to show Zoe's Louisiana heritage, like I did with Denise (she's got a Missouri charm on her necklace).

I was not planning for my first black American Girl to be #26.  I'd had plans to get Addy or Melody or #91, but as I said above finding #91 complete on eBay simply isn't possible right now.  Strange, since Courtney WAS easy to find on eBay shortly after her release; that's why I have Courtney now, LOL.  In truth #26 isn't an easy find either, but she's here now and I think she's adorable.  Now Silver Bird isn't alone in the Truly Me category.  Yeah, believe it or not Silver Bird was my only Truly Me doll until now.  All of my others were either historical, customized, or Girls of the Year.  Z is my lone oddball now, as she is contemporary, and AG is doing a new contemporary line soon so Z may not stay an oddball.  Anyway, it's interesting to see how much had changed between the release of #4 and the release of #26...or rather, how much the hair changed.  Yeah, I'm gonna talk about hair again, LOL.  When Silver Bird and her #4 sisters were new the only hairstyle available was long with a center part and pie-style bangs (#1 and #15 were the exceptions, as they had no bangs or parts).  By the time #26 rolled around American Girl was playing with different lengths and different styles, and Zoe's curly side part 'do shows this.

Like Denise and Justine-Marie (and eventually Z) I got Zoe a doll.  Since Zoe's name is Creole-flavored, and since she's my first African-American AG doll, I got a mini-doll to match.

Cecile!  Poor thing, her eyes throw back a lot of glare.  I promise she's not that psychotic-looking in real life.  The full-sized doll has hazel eyes as opposed to the brown that dolls of color often have.

Justine-Marie's doll approves of Zoe's choice.  Of course Justine-Marie would have a Marie-Grace doll, since she used to be a Marie-Grace herself.

Sometimes when I buy one of these dolls on impulse I end up regretting it.  I kinda do with Lindsey, for example, though I can probably alleviate that with a good restringing, but Zoe?  No regrets.  Her frizzy curls are only a mild frustration, and a fixable one at that.  Her joints are tight, her eyes are bright, and she's fully clad, though that last one wouldn't have been a huge issue either since I've got plenty of clothes.  Best impulse buy ever, or close to it!
