Sunday, April 25, 2021

Sunday randomness: the dress that started it all

A couple of nights ago this image popped up in my Failbook memories.  I took this poorly-lit, slightly unfocused photograph of Denise five years ago, before I was a hardcore Etsy fan, and when Denise was my only modern AG doll.

At the time all Denise had to her name was an ill-fitting pair of stretch pants and a sweater knitted by an inexperienced knitter (me).  Mama decided that "her granddolly" needed something nicer to wear, so she bought the ladybug dress.  Five years...five years can be an eternity or a nanosecond, depending on what you do with your life and how things play out.

In five years Denise has managed to grow a large wardrobe, one that takes up two drawers of a three-drawer storage box, but her favorite outfit will always be her ladybug dress.

I have to admit that it's one of my favorite dresses too.  I love green, I love ladybugs, and I love the cut of the dress.  It's perfect for spring...if spring will ever get here, that is.  Seriously, we had wet snow last Tuesday evening.

Cordially yours,


  1. We had fluffy snow that didn't stick on the streets. The trees were covered beautifully though! By the way, in the first picture, she looks sort of lavender, like an Oompa Loompa!

    1. Now you've done it! Now Denise needs an Oompa Loompa costume! LOL, a lot of my earliest pictures came out with a weird cast like that. I'm not sure why.

      I was wondering if y'all got snow in Ohio. Trees do look lovely when they're covered with snow, don't they? Too bad too much of it breaks branches! Maybe soon spring will be here for good.

  2. Thanks! I found Denise with her hair cut like that. Her eyes give her away as a former Samantha, so i wonder if the haircut wasn't a "salvage cut," done to control a horribly mangled wig. Either way it sets Denise apart, and it's easy to maintain!
