Saturday, February 13, 2021

Beach babies?

I think Gracie and Natalie are both ready for summer!

I think y'all are getting just a little ahead of yourselves, LOL!  Both of these dolls are wearing My Life ensembles from Wal-Mart, plus shoes.  Natalie's sandals came with her outfit, and they fit...rather poorly, actually.
I think those shoes are supposed to fit neatly around the doll's feet, but Nat's toes are too wide.  I wonder if the current My Life dolls have narrower toes?  I've been trying to refrain from getting one, so i probably won't know.

Not that Gracie is any better off.  She can't even stand in her shoes.
Usually when doll companies do platform shoes they make the toe area just as high as the heel.  That way, the doll can stand up even though she's wearing high heels.  These shoes looked like they were even when I picked them up in the store, but they're very obviously not.  So Gracie has to sit when she's wearing these, which is also not a good option because these dolls are both poor sitters.  I love the soft colors of these outfits, though.  In the past I've griped about the abundance of pink in dolly clothes, but for some reason this doesn't bug me much with these outfits.  Gracie's outfit isn't drowning in pink, and Natalie's is balanced out by one of my favorite colors, mint green.  I just wish those shoes fit a little better!

Annoying shoes notwithstanding, Natalie and Gracie are ready to enjoy some warm weather.  Too bad there's none to be had.  Here's an idea of what current temps are like.

Nineteen degrees, with a northern wind dropping the wind chill to eight.  And notice that the forecast says it's gonna get COLDER!!!  We're facing a heavy snow on Monday, to go on top of the inch of ice we've had for about a week, and after that it's gonna get colder still, with daytime highs around eight WITHOUT wind!  So Nat and Gracie are staying put for now.  I think I'll toss them in their pajamas and have them laze around like I'm doing right now.

Stay warm and stay well out there, y'all!  Seriously, stay well.  I've got one friend in the hospital with pneumonia, another friend who just got out of the hospital, and I myself have been to the doctor for a rather stout UTI.  Those are not fun, kids.  So stay healthy out there!

Warm regards,


  1. We're supposed to get four to eight inches of snow starting tomorrow night, in addition to below freezing temperatures. It's a great time to stay at home and play dolls!

    1. Ditto on the weather; snow has already started falling here. Stay warm and safe, chica!
