Tuesday, October 6, 2020

A sweater for Zlata (and other stories)

It's my thirty-third, and I don't know who's more ready, me or Flaxie!

In addition to a box set of Laura Ingalls Wilder books and a copy of The Magic Flute, this arrived in the mail yesterday.  It's a unicorn cardigan for my new doll, Zlata.

This came from Baby Jane Knits on Etsy, and it's so soft I wish I had one in my size.  The hood has ears, a little horn, and a loopy pastel mane.
The buttons have Miffy on them!  I love it!

So who is Zlata, you ask?  Well, I was hoping she would arrive before today so she could be in the post, but she's coming from Ukraine so it may be awhile before y'all get to see her.  Zlata is a Waldorf doll, and there's quite a story behind her, one that serves as a warning to anyone who wants an affordable Waldorf doll.  I have a whole post set aside for that saga, and when Zlata gets here I'll share it.  I'll preface my story by saying that Waldorf dolls are expensive, and there are plenty of unscrupulous folks out there who want to scam buyers.  Buying Zlata was a learning experience, one that I hope to share with y'all soon...but I can't do it until all the dolls in question are here!

It's a quick post today and I apologize for that, but I have no dolly to show off.  Mexican food will be a-callin' my name tonight, so that's something.

Happy birthday to me and happy German-American Day to you,


  1. Happy birthday! Waldorf dolls frustrated the crap out of me when I was a homeschooling mom. Waldorf dolls were supposed to be so simple and natural, and they cost obscene amounts of money. Not that I specifically wanted to buy one, but some of the homeschooling moms I knew at the time were far more of the granola type than I ever was.

    That cardigan is adorable. I'm sure your new doll will look sweet in it. Froeliche Deutsche-Amerikanishe Tag!

    1. Jeez, those dolls are insane! I guess I'm a little more likely to defend them since I've seen the work that goes into a single Waldorf doll, but still...are all-natural materials really necessary??? Just the same I have one coming, and when she gets here I'll show y'all how she looks in the cardigan. I always look forward to your comments, Miss Barb!

  2. Did you get caught in the web of the Facebook Waldorf doll ads?! I keep seeing them, and I'd love to have a Waldorf doll with those beautiful knitted clothes, But I know they're rip offs. There's no way they could sell those handmade dolls and clothes for such prices. i can;t wait to hear your tale and see your doll.

    1. Oh my gosh, you guessed it! Mama and I both got suckered by a website called Happy Komi. We're waiting to see what we get, if anything. I'll keep y'all posted!
