Saturday, September 5, 2020

Magic mushrooms?

Somehow I doubt I'd go on a trip if I ate these, except maybe a trip to the bathroom to barf, but when I went to work this morning I found these guys growing by the mailbox. 

Here's a closeup of one of them.  The cap is split into segments that resemble flower petals.

For reference, here's what the button stage looks like.

Pretty wild, eh wot?  Halfway through last month I found several mushrooms in my front yard that were shaped like an inverted patty pan...or a satellite dish, take your pick.

The largest one was even facing south like a satellite dish!

It's not often that I see mushrooms invert themselves that radically without splitting, but that one did.  I had it for about a week before it gave up the ghost.  It was about as big around as a softball.

I should be back on schedule with reviews soon!  Got 'em planned for every Thursday for the next couple'a months if everything goes right.



  1. Most yard mushrooms are pretty poisonous even for your pets if you have them, so be careful!

    1. I figured as much. I keep my dogs away anyway, because I don't want the mushrooms knocked over. All the more reason to keep them at a distance. Thanks for the 411!
