Friday, July 24, 2020

Am I seeing what I think I'm seeing???

Time to talk about Rael, my old My Twinn doll.  Rael is a Denver-era doll and thus should not have the eye problems so prevalent in My Twinns of Xenia's size, but eye shifting does happen in Denver dolls too, as this poor pet reveals.  Recently I was photographing Rael in her new dress (specifically, this dress, and pardon the overexposure)...
...when I noticed something funny about her eyes.  I think her right eye is turning pink, but Mama can't tell the difference.  What do y'all think???
Dang it, Rael has always had such pretty eyes...I think they're D37 eyes from the 1999 chart (Rael's tag says "1999" on it).  Here's an idea of what they looked like three years ago.
So...I'm very hesitant to switch out Xenia's eyes, and I'm not too confident about having to switch out Rael's either.  Miss Emily had no trouble swapping eyes once she'd had some practice, but I DON'T WANNA DO IT!!!  Her eyelashes are so pretty and...well, her eyes are still pretty too.  I desperately hope I'm just seeing things, but what say y'all???  Will Rael need an eye swap in the near future?

Kisses, hugs, and ladybugs,


  1. In both photos the eyes look pinkish around the pupil to me. But it doesn't look like it's getting bad too quickly. I'd hold off on the eye swap for now. It might never get any worse, or take ages. If discoloured eyes would damage her, I'd say go ahead, but they won't, so you can easily wait until she starts looking funny.

    1. You're right, they DO both look a little pinky. I appreciate the feedback; you were right in pointing out that degraded eyes are more of a cosmetic issue, just as they are with Xenia.

  2. I see the pinkish color in the first two photos, but I noticed that she has more lower lashes on her right eye. She is a pretty doll. I'd be inclined to leave her eyes as they are unless she was leaking fluids, etc. Maybe I'd give her a backstory to account for her "pink eyes". But she is YOUR doll so you should/will do as pleases you ;-)

    1. LOL, if she were leaking fluids I'd be calling the local priest! I appreciate the compliment; everyone who sees her says she's pretty. I do have some new eyes on the way, but I think for now I'm just going to leave her alone. As to the eyelashes, she has the same lashes on both eyes, but the left lower lash needs to be reattached. Kudos to you for pointing that out, as I wouldn't have noticed otherwise.

  3. I see some color change in the right eye, but like Rachael said, it's not an emergency to change them. Both eyes do look a little different from the bottom photo, but I wasn't sure how much of that was lighting between the two photos.

    1. The lighting probably isn't helping much, no. The brighter the lights, the more pinkish Rael's eyes look, while under regular lighting they look more normal. The bottom photo was taken under regular house-lighting.

  4. I also see the pinkish tinge to the eye in the photos but it's not too bad and so if you're not confident that you want to change them, well I think I'd wait and see if it gets much worse. It's really not that noticable now and no-one would have noticed had you not pointed it out to us. She's very pretty regardless.

    1. I appreciate the compliment! Everyone seems to think Rael is pretty! I think I am indeed going to wait and see, though I do have some spare eyes waiting in the wings. Spoiler alert: they're pink around the pupils too!
