Sunday, June 21, 2020

Eddard and Kirsten

Looks like Kirsten has found a new friend!
This is the cat formerly known as "Sansa," by the way.  He absolutely refused to let me peep under the hood, so I only figured out he's a boy when I gave him a flea bath and forced the issue.  In keeping with the House Stark theme I named him "Eddard," after Arya and Sansa's loving but ill-fated father.  As for Kirsten, she's waiting for the final piece of her winter set to come, hence the reason why she is dressed the way she is at this time of year.  Eddie can't possibly know this, but he looks somewhat like the kitten Kirsten befriended in Happy Birthday, Kirsten!  Indeed, several of Kirsten's books imply that she likes cats, so my doll is right in her element!



  1. They look so cute together. Is Eddard stripey, or is that just the light?

    1. A little bit of both, actually. Eddie has very faint stripes, but they're hard to see unless the lighting is just so. I like striped cats, so I'm hoping that when he sheds his baby coat his stripes will be more visible.

  2. So glad to see that Eddard is doing well!

    1. He got a clean bill of health at the vet today!

  3. Congratulations on Eddard-Formerly-Known-as-Sansa's clean bill of health. He's got lovely green eyes. Looks like he's totally at home on Kirsten's lap.

    1. Thank you! I was hoping he'd have green eyes! I had to ban him from Kirsten's lap though, because he wanted to dig his claws into her skirt!

  4. He's a pretty little guy. I'm guessing he will have a very serious and intense face as an adult.

    1. I think you may be right. He's already got an intense gaze, especially when he wants my attention! I mentioned this in the other post, but he likes Adam a lot. I have to keep him away from Adam and Kirsten now because Eddie likes to stick his claws in their clothes.

  5. Replies
    1. I'm glad I took this picture when I did! It turned out to be one of the best I got of Eddie.
