Sunday, April 12, 2020

Easter/Passover 2020

Easter 2020 has been a quiet, lonely affair thanks to this infernal virus.  I had plans to stuff plastic eggs and give 'em out to the kids like I did last year,  I find it surprising that in such a short time this virus went from being the butt of jokes on Facebook to scaring the living Jesus out of everyone.  Seriously, consult the list of the recently deceased on Wikipedia and try to count how many were felled by coronavirus in April alone.  This is a scary virus, kids...and my facemasks haven't come from Etsy yet, dammit.  I got matching ones for Mama and me, and they aren't here yet.

When I dressed my dolls up for Easter I was expecting normal traffic in the library, children and all, but of course it hasn't been that way this year.  Oh well, can't be helped.  No one expected this danged virus to come up and throw a monkey wrench in everything.  But I can at least show my dolls to y'all, and I'll admit that I was going to show them to y'all anyway (LOL).  This time I'm just going to show my dolls to y'all and not include a basic review of each outfit (those are a bummer to write).  Here's Xenia:
Silver Bird, who has gone with a farm look rather than dressy attire, complete with a pig and a goat:
Z, who elected to go barefoot:
And Camille...Camille chose to wear her stock outfit.
I don't have a lot of new things for Camille yet, but she's not one to complain.  She'll soon have an outfit as colorful and varied as her bigger friends.

But wait, am I not forgetting someone?  Well, yes and no.  Easter has fallen during Passover this year (the two holidays don't always coincide), and Lindsey and Denise are decked out in their spring gear too.
Denise is wearing what she wore for St. Patrick's Day, but Lindsey's dress is all new.  Had Mama not kindly supplied the dolls with new things for summer, she'd be staying in that dress.  But alas, May will be for bugs...not bugs as in viruses, but bugs as in the yellow sting-y kind.  Y'all will see that in about two weeks or so.

Happy Easter and Happy Passover,


  1. I think Xenia’s outfit is my favorite! What a pretty ensemble!

    This virus thing just keeps getting scarier. My local grocery store is only letting so many people in at a time, and you have to wash your hands and wear a mask to enter. The shelves are finally getting stocked again though, so that’s reassuring.

    You and your mom stay safe!

    1. My area FINALLY put limits on the amount of toilet paper one can get at a time, and I'm thankful for that. I don't know what I'd do without it, LOL. I hope this goes away soon.

      Mama and I joked that Xenia's outfit is suitable for the Kentucky Derby, given the size of that hat!

  2. Silver Bird's new animal friends are adorable. What brand are they?
    Signed, Treesa

    1. The tags on both of them say "OZco," so I assume that's the place. They came with the ensemble, believe it or not; I didn't have to purchase those separately.

  3. Are you still able to work? All the libraries here (and museums, and galleries, and zoos, and churches, and almost everything except shops) have had to close.

    1. It's kinda complicated. The library is closed and open at the same time. Mama and I are here shelving books and keeping the place clean. We are able to send faxes and check books in and out, but we have to take the items outside to the patrons. They're not allowed in. Everyone has been very sweet and cooperative so far, and I'm thankful for that.

  4. I was also going to ask if the library is open. I'm surprised. I know books are 'essential',but libraries aren't in times like this. I don't see how the precaution of taking the books outside to be delivered is any use,as the books are still touched by the patron,and then brought back to be touched by you,and then by the next patron. The virus can live on surfaces for days,especially porous surfaces like cloth book covers and paper. Now they are saying it may live longer on surfaces than was originally thought. Stay safe. Oh! I love the cherry dress!

    1. We go over the covers of the books with disinfecting wipes, though I don't know what good that does. It's better than doing nothing, I s'pose. So far no one connected to the library has fallen ill, and I guess that's really all that matters. LOL, the cherry dress is my favorite of these due to the color combo; can't beat red and yellow.
