Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Brief, random musings about Our Generation dolls

First and foremost, shoutout to Heather at PennilessCaucasianRubbish American Doll Adventures.  Your new Our Generation dolls are truly beautiful.  Miss Heather's post inspired me to do my own, because I am just now noticing something about them.  It has been...oh, I'll guesstimate four years since I set foot in a Target, so I haven't seen how the Our Generation dolls have been evolving.  I knew that they'd released a few new head molds over the years (like this one, pretty May Lee), but I had no idea they looked so sweet now!  First take a look at Heather's dolls, seen HERE, and then look at my Sadie, who is about seven years of age now.
Seven years is a long time, and Sadie is a far cry from her modern counterparts!  It never occurred to me to ask Heather if her dolls have eyeshine like Sadie does, by the way; Sadie always has, though part of that is due to the fact that I don't have the most optimal photography equipment.  Heather's new Aubree doll appears to have higher-quality eyes though, so I doubt that she has the eyeshine that Sadie does.

No hate meant towards Sadie, of course!  Mama and I think it's ironic that she was my cheapest doll, and yet her vinyl coloring is the prettiest.  See how pink she is compared to Kyle and Silver Bird?
Not a fair comparison, I don't guess, since Silver Bird has probably faded a lot since she was made in 1995.  But then again Kyle is newer, and he looks a little washed out compared to Sadie too.  Either way I've always thought it was interesting that a twenty-five-or-so-dollar doll has prettier coloring than the brand-name dolls that cost over a hundred bucks.

I'll also say that I like the evolution of Our Generation dolls WAY better than I like the evolution of Glitter Girls.  When Miss Emily reviewed her Glitter Girls they had proportionate eyes and sedate little smiles.  Now their eyes are these big, goofy orbs and I don't like them anywhere near as much as I did.  But I've also seen other folks say that they like the newer Glitter Girls better.  To each their own, I s'pose; we all have our different tastes.

I can't think of a dumb April Fools Day prank to spring on y'all, so I'm just going to give everyone a civil adieu.  Keep your eyes open for a review tomorrow; I was able to get my phone to cooperate long enough to get it done.

Much love,

1 comment:

  1. Be sure to tell Miss Heather how pretty her dolls are! They need to be spoiled a little, LOL.
