Saturday, March 28, 2020

Of tornadoes and chinchillas

Jonesboro got hit HARD!!!  As of writing there are no reported fatalities, but the damage was bad.  Mama's friend lost some AC units, part of her roof, her fence, some windows, and had her sun deck damaged, but she's okay.  She said her neighbors suffered "devastating" damage.  Another friend and her son rode out the storm in this car and were scared but unhurt.
I think that may be close to Mall at Turtle Creek.  Oh, I used to love going there, back when I was semi-attractive and could wear more clothes.  The mall itself appears to have sustained some major damage, by the way.  Tim Marshall, legendary storm chaser and one of my childhood heroes, shared this image, captured off of a local tower cam (one belonging to KAIT?), and Facebook user Adam Finley shared this image of damage.  Gateway Tire looks bad, as does the municipal airport, and Barnes and Noble got's BAD, kids!  Jonesboro PD has announced an all-night curfew and has opened up four shelters for those who are now so much for social distancing, I s'pose.   I wonder how exactly they're going to work that?  

Despite what I said in the earlier post Malden never got put under a tornado warning, but the same storm that hit Jonesboro and Brookland tracked south and east of here.  Spotters confirmed a tornado down around Holcomb, where I used to work, and another tornado went just west of East Prairie.  I didnt hear of any damage at either place, but just because I didn't hear it doesn't mean it's not true!  Malden was blessed once again; that's the third time this spring that we've dodged a bad weather bullet.

Unfortunately I have some sad news of my own to pass along, and my sadness is the main reason for sharing this post tonight instead of tomorrow.  I gotta vent.  My beloved chinchilla Bentley became progressively ill over the week, and the nearest vet who would see her was...I think Malden's vet said Memphis!  Driving a hundred fifty miles in bad weather on a workday was completely out of the question, so all I could do was try to keep Bentley hydrated.  Alas, my efforts were in vain, and when I got off work I found her dead in her cage.  Here is what Miss Bentley looked like during her youth; indeed, this is the first picture I took of her!
When I picked her up her cute white tummy was still warm.  What did I do?  I marched out into a torrential rainstorm (complete with lightning) and buried her next to Sampson, Hunger Games salute and all.  I'll miss my fur baby, who loved chin rubs and dust baths and hay cubes, but I can at least rest assured that she did not die unloved and alone.

Sigh...I promise I'll get back to dolls next week.  I've got four, count 'em, FOUR posts planned.  I just needed to purge some negativity.



  1. I'm so sorry about your baby. After losing my bird,who was the most loving pet I ever had,I swore off any new pets. I just didn't want the pain of losing any more.

    1. That's hard, innut? I can't go that route since I still have five cats, two dogs, and a bearded dragon, but I hear you! People don't realize just how affectionate birds are until they've had one.

  2. Oh! Glad to hear the tornado missed you but I'm sorry to hear about your cute little chinchilla. She was a cutie.

    1. Thank you! Yeah, I'm gonna miss my Bentley, but I'm very thankful that I'm not homeless and jobless like some poor folks now are.

  3. Oh I am so sorry for the loss of your sweet little chinchilla.

    I really hate spring storm season. It’s such a terrifying time.

    1. Thanks for the condolences; ive already caught myself glancing over at her empty cage, wondering why she's so quiet and then remembering. She'll be missed, but it was a lovely four years with her!

      I have a love-hate relationship with the storm season. On one hand it's exciting, and the rain is always appreciated. On the other hand, we've had too much rain this spring, and I hate it when small towns get it on the chin like Jonesboro did.

  4. I can't imagine how difficult it must be to have your place of security and shelter destroyed. I hope everyone affected can recover quickly.

    I do know how hard it is to lose a pet. I hope your other animals can bring joy to your life and keep your mind mostly occupied.

    1. Shudder...I have thought a lot about people losing everything here lately. There was a house fire here in Malden a few days ago; the house wasn't destroyed, but there was a significant amount of damage. There was at least one child staying in the home, and I can only imagine how traumatic the event was for him.

      LOL, regarding my other critters, there are times when I want to scream, they frustrate me so. But then they cuddle with me at night and act happy to see me when I come home, so they make it worth it.

      I hope all is well with you and yours!

  5. I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your little critter. What an adorable little face. :(. It's so hard to loose a pet. Glad she had a good, happy life with you.
    As for the storms...eeek, I have never experienced that and hope I never do!
    The worst we usually get is a blizzard and as long as you're inside, it's fine, LOL.
    Take care!

    1. I don't like blizzards, but I'd rather have one of those than a danged tornado! Ice storms, though...don't like those either.

      Thanks for the words of comfort; it's been almost a week now and I still keep looking at the cage and wondering why my girl is so quiet. You'd think that rodents would be hard to bond with, but not this one!
