Thursday, March 26, 2020

Macchiato and Flaxie step out

Yesterday when Mama and I went driving around (which we do after work) I saw a teddy bear in the window of Malden's Board of Public Works office, thought it was cute, and wondered why the BPW would have a bear in their window.  Later I saw another teddy bear in the front window of Harp's (Midwestern grocery chain, for those of y'all that don't live in the U.S.), and still another in the front window of a neighbor's house.  When I got home I learned that this was no coincidence, as the whole country is apparently hanging up teddy bears and other stuffed animals in front windows of homes and businesses.  This bear hunt is apparently to keep kids from being too bored during this coronavirus mess, and to give them (and their parents) something to do without getting out and being around a ton of people.  Rainbow hunts are also popular right now, for the same reason.  I don't have a rainbow dress for Flaxie yet (though Build-a-Bear has them), but she and her new friend Macchiato are still ready to see and be seen.
Not the best picture, but y'all get the drift.  Macchiato is a bit of a slouch, by the way, as teddy bears tend to be.  Here's what his face looks like.  His coloration reminds me a little of Daniel Striped Tiger.
Being a kid at heart, I'm all for this bear-and-rainbow-hunt and I hope Flaxie and Macchiato will help brighten the community up a bit.  I know they cheer me up quite a bit with their smiles, and I also get a kick out of seeing kids come up to the window and peer in for a closer look.

So how am I weathering this coronavirus mess, you ask?  Pretty fair.  The library has some new restrictions on the number of people that can be here at once (and some other things), but the patrons have been cooperative and upbeat so we're all good so far.  The situation is a little less hunky dory in Vermont, as Sister and Brother-in-Law are currently stuck at home on quarantine.  BIL had a bad cough last week, and while it turned out to be nothing his doctor told him to stay at home for two weeks "just in case."  Things are scarier still at First Uncle's workplace, as a young woman died of the virus over the weekend.  First Uncle says she broke ill with it one day and was dead the next.  Only 31, almost my age, and apparently healthy before the virus hit.  My uncle never even met her as far as he knows, but one of his friends did and now said friend is having to get tested.  First Uncle told the rest of us not to panic, and that he is keeping a close eye on himself and his friends.  But it's still scary, and it's very sad for the family of the young lady who died.

Well, I guess that's all I have to say.  Be safe, stay healthy, don't panic, and keep an eye out for teddy bears and rainbows in your communities.  We'll get through this if we all do as we're told and keep a positive attitude.

And now I'm off to eBay to continue my search for the perfect Simon and Halbig doll.  I've seen plenty of pretty ones and plenty of cheap ones...but the pretty ones aren't cheap and the cheap ones aren't the prettiest!  LOL, patience is a virtue, I guess...and I think that patience may be about to pay off!  Stay tuned...

Much love,


  1. This is the first I've heard of the Teddy and rainbows thing. But if kids are staying at home, how are they seeing all these Teddy bears and rainbows? Just what they can see from their windows, I guess. In that case people should try to change them every day or so to keep things interesting! I'm just a trouble maker, aren't I?

    1. No, you're good! The children are allowed to walk out in twos and threes, or their families drive them around. We had a LOT of traffic yesterday, LOL! Regarding keeping things interesting...I had thought about that. I have enough clothes for Flaxie to keep things fresh, but not everyone does. It's up to the owner of the establishment, I s'pose, and it's not just teddy bears. Yesterday I saw Batman at one house, but today when I drove by Goofy was there instead.

  2. We have a bear in our window at work for the bear hunt, too! I will be so glad when I can visit the local library again, my state closed down the whole eastern (state) library system due to the coronavirus. We have gone to “essential businesses only”, and restaurants can only be carry out. A ton of them are really struggling.

    There’s a low key energy that’s not quite panic in the air. Hoarding of paper products, bottled water, vitamins, and food is a thing, too. You can’t find liquid soap or hand sanitizer anymore. Disposable exam gloves and surgical masks are also pretty much wiped out. Bread, milk, eggs, meat and canned goods like soup are vanishing.

    I bought a little extra of things to have on hand for flu season just before all this started and I have felt relieved I did every time I see empty shelves at the store. If you can, I recommend doing the same. Not hoarder crazy person level of course, but an extra loaf of bread and some sandwich makings in the freezer is reassuring to have. Especially for older family members who may need to be isolated from the public for a while!

    I can’t wait to see what you find on your “bear hunt”!

    1. I'd say "low key energy" is a good way to put it. My local stores have put limits on the amounts of toilet paper and water one can get at once, and there are some other odds and ends, but everyone has remained calm so far.

      I do b'lieve that we are the only business still open at this point! All our restaurants are closed except for takeout, the schools and churches are closed, the banks are on tight restrictions and may as well be's insane! Even the bars have been shutting down (on their own accord, I'll note).

      LOL, if I find any interesting bears of my own, I'll share 'em!

  3. Well, she's not really a Simon and Halbig doll per se, but the name is on her neck. She's a Kammer and Reinhardt baby and she's a bit out of my range ATM, but I'm keeping a close eye on her. Macchiato isn't as soft as he looks, believe it or not! He's very cuddly, but his fur isn't as soft to touch as one might think. He's still fun to have around, though!
