Friday, February 21, 2020


This past week (Wednesday, to be exact) I had a patron come into the library with a box of dolls.  I assumed that she just wanted to show them to me...but instead I ended up buying them!  They're in pretty rough shape, but the money went to a good cause (seller has cancer and can barely rub two cents together), and I enjoy setting beat-up dolls right again.  Here's the first three.
They look how I'd feel if I'd just been sold for seven bucks apiece!  The baby in the front is really the only one I was interested in due to her smug little smile...
...but I ended up adopting her older sisters and two other friends too.  I love the slightly bemused expression on the tallest doll's face.
Poor love is probably wondering where her right eyelash went.  The middle sister is a bit more relaxed, though I think she too is a hair confused about what's going on.
The other pair is slightly worse for wear, though all they really need are new wigs.
The blonde one looks pretty despondent in some images...
...but she has her sister to cheer her up.  This little gal finds reason to smile even though her hair is a mess, her right eye is askew, and her left shoe is missing.
I'll need to grub up some glasses for her.  Anytime I end up with a wonky-eyed doll I try to find her a pair of specs.

The patron didn't part with this last little chap, but she did let me hold him and photograph him.
He's either a reborn doll or an Ashton-Drake baby, though his lousy root job makes me think the latter.  Like his porcelain friends he's pretty beat-up, but he's still cute.  His "mama" says that his name is Jacob, and if she decides to part with him...guess who gets him?  LOL!

I know that porcelain dolls are not everyone's bailiwick, but I've always been fond of them and I can't wait to give these girls a makeover.  It won't take much, just a mass washing of clothes and a couple'a new wigs.  But as always I'm glad to see what my fellow doll collector's have to offer, and I love to hear their stories, even though this one was a little sad.

Much love,


  1. It was very nice of you to buy a box of pre-loved dolls for a good cause. I still remember when I was a little girl and wanted my own porcelain doll more than anything. My family didn't have the money to buy a high end or designer porcelain doll, so I ended up getting one of those discount store porcelain dolls. She was a decent sized doll though, and I was given the opportunity to choose her myself. I also got to help pick out a porcelain doll for each of my younger sisters. Unfortunately, porcelain dolls aren't really meant for children's play, so mine mostly sat on a shelf collecting dust.
    I look forward to seeing the results of your doll makeovers.
    Signed, Treesa

    1. Porcelain dolls may not be meant for child's play, but they can still be a lot of fun to have! I remember how grown up I felt when I got my first porcelain doll. She was a little bitty thing, but I still was tickled to death to have her. Do you still have your childhood friend?

    2. She might still be in storage somewhere, but I'm not one hundred percent positive.
      Signed, Treesa

    3. I hope she is! It's always nice when you can save 'em.

  2. The little smiley baby in the sailor dress is Amanda by Yolanda Bello. I think she was an Ashton Drake doll.
    I love the tall, modern girl in the first pic.
    This is a pretty cool haul. Well done.

    1. Amanda! Alright then, Amanda she is! Thank you for that information; I've always admired Yolanda Bello's work from afar.

  3. that taller one has a lovely face, not very traditionally porcelain doll at all.

    1. I noticed that too! She's not dressed like your average porcelain doll either. I couldn't pass up a doll that unique.

  4. Oh my the poor wee things!! I love the gal with the missing eyelash RM, I think she will be a stunner once she's been to the spa and is dressed in something pretty.
    Big hugs,

    1. I'm not going to do much to that one, believe it or not! Replace her eyelashes, wash her face and clothes, maybe clean her wig. I very rarely see porcelain dolls in casual wear like that, so she'll be keeping her clothes. They do need a wash, though!

  5. I’ve always had a bit of a soft spot in my heart for porcelain dolls too. I remember looking at all the beautiful porcelain dolls for sale at the mall when I was a little girl and imagining which ones I would get. I never did get any of them. The only large porcelain doll I had as a little girl was my Walda doll. I had a couple of little porcelain dolls that had originally been Christmas ornaments, but that’s it. I have to confess that as an adult I have rescued a few porcelain dolls from Goodwill. It’s sad to see them lying on the shelves unwanted.

    I really like the baby in the sailor dress and the tall girl in the modern clothes. She has a great face. I hope you enjoy fixing up your newest acquisitions.

    1. It IS sad to see them lying on the shelves unwanted; that's how I ended up with so many porcelain dolls myself!

      When this crew gets fixed up I'll share another post! Rewigging them shouldn't be too hard, but removing the Eau du Cigarette may be a challenge.
