Thursday, December 12, 2019

Clockwork girls

Behold, winter is just around the corner...and I don't think I need to rehash my opinions on winter!  I love my trippy Christmas tree, though!
LOL, I couldn't resist sharing that!  It's the same little tree as last year, but I always get a kick out of putting it up.  Mama got that for me two years ago and I put it up at the library every year.  The library has a big tree that I could manhandle into position, but everyone seems to like my trippy little tree.

In dolly news I've had reason to get Ana Ming all gussied up in her steampunk garb, something I haven't done in quite some time.
Pardon my filthy box fan; this post was concocted on the spur of the moment, and thanks to the ending of Daylight Savings Time I haven't had any time after work to take outdoor pictures.  Anyway, Ana Ming now has a partner in crime.
That would be the new girl, Silver Bird, in her new clothes from Etsy.  Here's a better look at them both, without that blasted fan in the background.  The moon was full last night so stumbling around in my yard wasn't quite as hazardous.
Silver Bird's outfit was yet another gift from my mother, and it was arguably the cutest steampunk set Etsy had.  Oh sure, they've got other nice things, but Silver Bird's getup is the nicest.  The jacket is prohibitively tight, restricting her arms to either the down position or the slightly out but still down position, like so.  But she still looks cute!  As is fairly typical of the handmade items I receive from Etsy, Silver Bird's getup feels much nicer than Ana Ming's mass-produced set.  Don't get me wrong, I love Ana Ming's set, but (don't tell her this) I think I like Silver Bird's set better.  She's got BLOOMERS, for crying out loud, and they match her dress!
Ana Ming only has her little white skivvies underneath.  Both dolls wear bell-shaped skirts, and aficionados of lolita fashion can explain why bloomers are a must-have under bell-shaped skirts.

During my play sessions with Silver Bird, I've noticed that she has an ever-so-slightly gimpy left leg.  See?
It may look like I positioned her like that just for kicks, but in truth it's the only way I can get her to stand on her own.  It's not just in these boots, either; I first noticed this quirk when she was in her black flats.  I've never had an American Girl doll with a hiccup quite like that; my old Samantha doll is pigeon-toed, but she can still stand if I center her feet properly.  Silver Bird usually has to have her left leg off to the side a little before she'll stand.

No more posts from me until after Christmas, y'all!  I've got a post that's going to be very heavy on pictures, and it won't be ready until right around Boxing Day, so...hey, I just realized that Christmas is going to fall during Hanukkah this year!  It isn't every year that Christmas and Hanukkah coincide!  So if any of y'all celebrate either of those holidays, I wish y'all a happy and blessed one. 



  1. I love your little steampunk girls! The Etsy dress is so adorable!

    1. Thanks! Silver Bird has proven popular with the library patrons as well; folks are always asking where the dress came from.

  2. Hi RM! Love the steampunk outfit, it's more my style. :) Though the other one is pretty too. Well seeing as you won't be posting until after the day ... have a very happy one and best wishes for 2020!
    Big hugs,

    1. Thank you, chica! You stay safe and have a blessed one as well!

  3. Merry Christmas! Think maybe Santa will bring some doll stuff? ;)

    1. LOL, I believe he will! I've already got a couple'a things coming from eBay. Merry Christmas to you and yours!
