Friday, November 1, 2019

Random Halloween and Day of the Dead stuff

Halloween 2019 was a quiet affair at the Moon House.  I had candy all ready to give out to the kids, but the temperature dropped and the wind was some kind of sharp so I said "phooey on it," turned out the lights, and binge-watched YouTube.  Since most of the candy I got was Tootsie Roll-themed I'll probably eat it myself during the winter (LOL).

I was hoping that this year's Halloween/Day of the Dead post would be centered around the new Dia de Muertos Barbie, but that doll sold out before you could say "stop that."  She was controversial as Barbie dolls often are, with some folks whining about cultural appropriation and others lauding the idea of a Day of the Dead Barbie, and I wonder if that controversy didn't have something to do with the doll being a quick seller.  I never will know for sure, but I still wonder.  Anywho, since I wasn't able to get this Barbie, I bought a Day of the Dead outfit for Flaxie instead.
Flaxie is one of those Wal-Mart Build-a-Bears that was available during National Teddy Bear Day, as the sole of her left foot confirms.
Probably by now y'all are familiar with sugar skulls, but have y'all ever seen CAT SUGAR SKULLS???  Flaxie's new dress has those.
Not bear or bunny sugar skulls like one might expect from a Build-a-Bear outfit, but cats.  What's not to like?  Overall the dress is okay, with soft fabrics that have nice drape (I was expecting cheap, stiff, easily snagged sateen), but Flaxie's new mask doesn't fit neatly over her face.
So I just leave it up on her forehead like a tiara.  Problem solved!
So cute!  I've always wanted a Build-a-Bear, and indeed Build-a-Bear is offering a bear in the Day of the Dead outfit that looks almost exactly like Flaxie.  Her name is Li'l Cub Pudding and she looks so much like Flaxie that it's a little frightening, but she doesn't cost what Flaxie did, AND she doesn't have the smirk.  Even though Flaxie looks like your ordinary teddy bear, I'm not going turn up my nose at the offer of a six-dollar Build-a-Bear.  I can make Flaxie look special with new outfits, just like I do for my American Girl dolls.

Oh yes, my dolls.  Here's what Z and Denise wore for Halloween yesterday.
Denise reprised her role as a pirate (she wore that getup four years ago), and Z, to my mother's delight, was a candy corn witch.  I do love how Halloween costumes get more original with each passing year, both for humans and for dolls!  I think candy corn is revolting (waaaaay too sweet for me), but lots of other folks like it!  And of course it's a great idea for a spin on a witch costume.  Poor Luciana had to sit this one out, as it's not easy to find costumes in her size.

Denise, Flaxie, and Z were joined this year by Abigail, Bru-Hilda, and Mirari, the last of whom I worried might frighten the children that came in.
The library had a pumpkin-decorating contest during the first two thirds of October.  The contest was for children, and they had to decorate their pumpkin up like a character from a book.  They could use paint, glue, Magic Markers, yarn, whatever they wanted, but carving the pumpkin was a no-no due to rotting concerns.  Since this is the first time the library has done this we only had two entries.  This one was done up to look like a horse in a Strawberry Shortcake book.  The child even included Strawberry herself!  I included the book that she used as a reference.
Lime Chiffon and Li'l Gumdrop had to get acquainted, of course.
Strawberry didn't mind!  Indeed, I think she liked the company!
Our other entry was the Lorax, one of my all-time favorite Dr. Seuss characters.
Ah yes, when I was a little girl I loved the Lorax.  I had the animated version on VHS and watched it every day, and we checked the book out multiple times as well.  Sadly the Lorax's message has been lost on me a bit, as whenever a debate about jobs versus the environment comes up, I always side with the jobs.  It really is a shame that a balance can't be set between the two...not without a lot of arm-twisting and compromise, that is.  I love this pumpkin, though!  I love the contrast between the two too, with one being very simple and the other being elaborate.

So that was my Halloween.  Now with it being Day of the Dead, Z and Denise got a wardrobe change.
Z is wearing an outfit that Samantha wore last year (plus Samantha's boots; Samantha doesn't mind sharing), while Denise opted for a more modern (but still slightly vintage) look with a short dress and a cardigan.  I also brought in Morrada Calaveras, my beloved customized Ever After High doll.
Pretty soon it'll be time to dust off my Indians for Thanksgiving.  I've got several of those, but they'll all need a cleaning before I can present them here.  I got Flaxie a Thanksgiving outfit too, but y'all will have to wait to see that!

Happy Day of the Dead,


  1. I love Z's Day of the End outfit! It's really cute!
    And I need to ask because we've only done pumpkins the last two years - We did this year's last Sunday and it's already so gross we're fighting over who has to throw it out; Do the pumpkins really last longer without rotting if they're not carved?

    1. I'm not sure, really! I know our pumpkins are still in great shape here at the library, but I'm not sure if it's because they weren't carved, or if it's because they were small, OR if it's because the library isn't super-duper warm. I do remember when I was little our neighbor's painted pumpkins lasted longer than Daddy's carved pumpkins, but it was only a day or two longer.

    2. I'm definitely doing one of each next year as an experiment!

  2. Great Halloween and Day of the Dead costumes RM! Actually it's a fun post all round, I really enjoyed your photos. :)
    Big hugs,

    1. Thanks! Your Halloween posts weren't too shabby either, though it's impossible to make Iplehouse dolls look bad. I'll admit that I'm a hair envious of your dolls!

  3. The Strawberry Shortcake horse was a lot of work, but the Lorax is pretty clever, too. It's too bad that you didn't get that Barbie, but I'm glad that a lot of your dolls got to partake in Halloween fun anyway.

    1. I'll bet the Barbie is running around out there somewhere. I just gotta be patient. LOL, my mother has already bought Z and Denise two outfits for NEXT Halloween! That's how big of a deal that holiday is in our family!

  4. Everyone looks so cute in their costumes! I definitely agree with you about candy corn. It's so much better as witch fashion than as a food!

    1. LOL, I'm glad someone sees candy corn for what it is! Everyone else looks at me like I'm nuts when I say I don't like it. I love the colors, though!
