Saturday, August 31, 2019

What my news feed said...again

No pictures since this is a spur-of-the-moment post.  I'm in the Facebook hole again for another four-year-old post, this time for thirty days.  I doubt I'll go back this time, as running back to Mark Suckerburg is like running back to an abusive boyfriend.  My mother was so outraged by all this that she deleted her account entirely, giving me even less of an incentive to go back myself.  The good news is that this won't affect y'all!  Now that that's said, I'm sharing some more dolly stories that I found on my news feed...the one Google gives me, not the one Failbook gives me.  The first one concerns Barbie, and it's old news but I'm sharing it anyway.

ARTICLE #1:  Mattel releasing Day of the Dead Barbie

It's high friggin' time!  Yeah, I've got a sugar skull-themed doll already, but this Barbie is about as bad-a$$ as they come!  She's decked out in monarch butterflies and marigolds, and her face is done up like a sugar skull.  Oh...emm...GEE!!!  I've let Barbie dolls that I desperately wanted slip by in the past, but I absolutely MUST HAVE THIS ONE!!!  She's even got a butterfly on her ring finger, for crying out loud!  I'm in love, my artichokes!  She's supposed to be available at Wal-Mart, but I'll believe that when I see it!  Anyway, I don't plan on letting this one escape like yesterday.

Now that I'm through flipping out over the first story, here's the second one.  It'll make y'all want to hold your children closer and make sure your doors are locked.

ARTICLE #2:  Grandma forces way into teen's home for American Girl Doll

Yep, y'all read that right.  A seventeen-year-old girl and her mom are selling off the American Girl dolls that she's amassed over the years.  Rather sad, really; she has/had a Lanie Holland doll in pretty good shape.  But the girl feels that she has outgrown the dolls and is selling them off.  One of those buyers, an older lady, apparently decided that she didn't like the doll she got and wanted to choose again...and things got a little nutty!  The buyer returned to the seller's house thrice, knocking and calling and texting.  The child was frightened enough that she hid under a table!  Hmmm...I've heard of that type of nuttiness occurring on Black Friday, but rarely at any other time of the year and certainly not at someone's personal residence!   Hopefully all is normal again for the girl and her mom, and just 'tween you, me, and the coconut tree, I hope Lanie found a good home!  I'm not a Lanie fan, but Girls of the Year deserve a little extra respect in my book.  I would have been interested in buying her, but I didn't do Failbook's marketplace even when I was active on the site!

Ah well, hopefully all will go well for the girl and her dolls, and HOPEFULLY I can score a Day of the Dead Barbie.  I'll sleep outside the nearest Wally World if I have to!  Hey, if the Black Friday nuts can do it, why can't I.  In the meantime I'll scrounge up the dolls I need for the next review, which will be going much sooner than I planned!

See y'all soon,


  1. Good on your mother RM, she made the right move if you ask me. LOL! You'll be much calmer if you don't go back, I noticcd a bit difference in myself after I gave it away ... I'm completely relaxed now, with much more time to read everyone's blogs and share dolly stories with my blogging friends. :)
    Big hugs to you and Mom!

    1. I've already noticed a difference in the both of us, LOL! Love you!

  2. I actually have a Lanie Holland doll. I've taken to rescuing second hand dolls and giving them a bit of a refresh. Yeah, my Saige's hair is a little crispier than I might usually like in an AG doll and Lanie's curls a smidge more wild, but you know what, that rarely fazes me anymore.

    I actually have more of a fondness for some of my second hand rescues than I do for some of the brand new ones I've bought. Because the second hand ones tell me their stories by the marks on them and some of them when I can't make the marks go away, I make them part of the doll's new look just for the heck of because I can.

    My Julie doll has a tattoo on one shoulder because there was a pen ink stain I didn't yet know how to remove, so I took some light brown paint and gave the 70s girl a Henna tattoo. Not exactly off base for her time period and it makes the pen mark look instead like an intentional addition to my doll.

    It also means if I take her to the AG store one day to get her ears done, she'll be identifiable as my doll when I get her back...I have heard some horror stories of replaced dolls or being handed back the wrong doll from the AG store salons, so I try to dress mine in anything but their meet outfits and remember any identifying marks that would give them away as being mine.

    My Luciana for example has a wonky leg socket on one side for some reason that I never got fixed, as it doesn't affect her ability to stand/pose at all and when she's dressed, you don't see it. But I would know she was mine by the wonky leg socket if someone handed me two Lucianas identically dressed. I would also know mine as the older, first release Luciana. Newer Lucianas have a different wig -- Mine has her bangs as a separate weft of hair stitched in another direction, but the newer ones just have a piece of the wig at the front cut short to simulate bangs.

    1. I like secondhand dolls too; my favorite American Girls are secondhand, in fact. Sounds like you have a lot of fun with your crew. I especially love the idea of giving Julie a henna tattoo, since not many dolls have something interesting like that.

  3. I've purchased dolls twice via a local sales group on Facebook. The first time was a meet-up in front of the police station. The second time was a "porch pick-up," where you retrieve the item from the front porch, and leave the money. I suppose I would have been afraid at that girl's age, but anyone unwanted who comes to my house now will regret it the first time.

    1. I hear you there! I'm glad you had good experiences with your buying/selling!
