Saturday, August 17, 2019

New Fashionistas sighted!

Yes, in the words of the girl from Poltergeist, they're here!  Well, some of 'em are.  In the past I've griped about how the Bootheel is usually the last place to get the new stuff, but some of the summer's new Barbie dolls are now making appearances.  Among the dolls present at Dexter's Wal-Mart is the blonde wheelchair doll, #132.
She's got a cute face, first and foremost, though she does look like a lot of other Barbie dolls.  She also appears to have Made to Move joints in her arms, which I like.  Jointed arms obviously mean she can be posed like she's wheeling herself along.  She even comes with a ramp!

There's also this doll, whose promo pic didn't catch my eye.
She's #120.  Her outfit is more interesting than than #132's is, but of course what caught my eye is her hair.  She has platinum blonde hair with blue streaks, which I love.  Her face is a little monotonous just like #132's face is, but at least it's not an ugly face.  She reminds me a little of the old Malibu Barbies, in fact.

Earlier this year I mentioned a specific fondness for two of the year's new dolls, and lo and behold, I saw one of them.  I haven't bought her yet, though.
#124, or as I called her, "the one with the green pompadour."  I like this doll heaps.  Her style is casual and androgynous rather than girly and glamorous, and when is the last time y'all saw a Barbie with green hair???  I like this doll's face too; she sports a modified Skipper head, one that I doubt we'll see again.  This head mold is pretty specific to this one doll, as it has zig-zags molded into the cropped sides of the doll's hair.

Some of the National Geographic dolls are making appearances as well, like the astrophysicist.
She doesn't look like the pompous egotist that so many astrophysicists are.  Maybe this one actually has a soul!  LOL, of course she doesn't (no doll does), but she's still...well, she's pretty cute.  She's got blonde hair and blue eyes like Barbie usually does.  She comes with the telescope that all space enthusiasts have to have, plus a map of the stars.  I didn't get a good look at that map, but if it's got actual information on it then this doll could actually be a useful tool as well as a toy.  She's got a long way to go to catch up with Stargazer Lottie, though!

I'm moderately impressed so far.  Y'all know how it is sometimes; a company will take these gorgeous stock photos and then the doll turns out to be nothing like what she was pictured.  Yeah...MGA Entertainment used to be bad about that.  But I've already had a couple of nice surprises myself, as both #120 and #123 are prettier IRL than in the stock photos.  #123 has microbraids, a style that I've been dying to see on another Mattel doll (Happy D, one of the Flavas, was the last Mattel doll to have that feature).  Unfortunately, one of the new black dolls has bubblegum-colored lips...and wouldn't y'all know, it's one of the other ones that I'm dying to have, #125 with the beautiful dark skin and the lovely violet hair.  Miss Debbie has vowed to repaint her #125's lips, and I'm looking foreword to seeing the results.

Are any of y'all seeing the new Fashionistas yet?  Are there any must-have dolls on your lists?  Discuss.

Much love,


  1. I haven't seen the wheelchair doll, but I bought the green pompadour doll--she's really neat!

    1. She is! LOL, I want her so bad! I wish I'd bought her when I saw her.

    2. Hi RM, As you are most probably already aware, I don't purchase Barbie dolls myself, but that doesn't mean I don't enjoy seeing them arrive on other peoples blogs. It's always interesting to see the new dolls being manufactured around the world, and I do like the wheelchair Barbie and the face of the apple green haired one...I think she's one you should definitely bring home! :)
      Big hugs,

    3. If I have my way she'll be one that I do get. I like her and #125 as well.

  2. I've seen a lot of new dolls, although they're not exactly new, since we have known they were coming for awhile.

    I wish Astrophysicist Barbie didn't have such a bland face, and #125 definitely needs new lips. Maybe a deep rose.

    1. Hear, hear. I never have understood why Mattel always saddles their darkest dolls with that goofy pink! I own black dolls that have pink lipstick, and it looks very becoming. But it's not MATTE! Even a little shimmer would make those bubblegum lips better.
