Tuesday, July 9, 2019

I suck at keeping secrets

I was hoping to keep my newest American Girl a secret until I got around to reviewing her (God only knows when that will be), but thanks to my slippery fingers the secret got out.  Or at least it got out to the most loyal readers!  I accidentally hit "publish" on Z Yang's review WAY before it was ready to go out, and I can name at least one reader who saw it in its rudimentary form.  Barb the Evil Genius saw it (good eye, Barb!), and Korglady correctly guessed the name.  So...no review today, or tomorrow, or probably even next week (!!!), but here's Z with her shelfmate, the one and only Denise.
They really do make a cute pair, don't they???  For reasons that even I don't know I've chosen to whittle my library compadres from eight small dolls and one big one to just two big ones.  Z and Denise will be easy to redress as the seasons change, so that's what I'm going to do.  I even have a couple of football outfits customized for the fall, though I haven't decided yet who's going to be the cheerleader.  Z doesn't really seem like the cheerleader type, but then again neither does Denise.

Anywho, that's Z!  I don't know why I wanted her, considering the following facts:
A)  Z's filmmaking storyline does nothing to interest me.
B)  Z has been archived for about a year, and thus her prices on eBay are some kind of high.
C)  Z looks a lot like Jess McConnell, whom I hope to own one day.

Seriously, Jess is easier to find at a reasonable price than Z is!  But...I chose Z and I've got her now, and I'm not the slightest bit sorry I got her.  She does have some frustrating shortcomings that American Girl dolls should not have, but I still like her.  Y'all keep your eyes peeled for her review, though as I said earlier, God only knows when that'll be.

Much Love,


  1. Z is definitely cute! Make up your own story for her if you don't like hers. Maybe she... is working on film making because she wants to follow in the footsteps of her parent(s) who are storm chasers. :)

    1. LOL, I like the way you think, Barb! Denise's backstory has her as a tornado survivor, so maybe that could be how they bond! Good idea.

  2. I wondered what happened to your Z Yang review. The girls make a really cute pair together.

    1. LOL, that's what happened! I'll try to get it up as soon as I can. There's a lot to discuss!

  3. Z is cute! I'll be watching for your review. :)

  4. What a cute pair! I love their outfits, too!

    1. Thank you and thank you! A couple'a patrons at the library think they look quite a bit alike. I think it's the white jackets.

  5. Yes RM, they are a very cute and may I dare say, pretty pair of dolls. I often find play dolls look too much alike eventhough they are supposed to be different people. I particularly like the difference in the shape of their eyes.
    Big hugs,

    1. Awww, thank you for the kind words! I actually have worried that these two might look a little too much alike, but the folks at the library can tell them apart! Gotta love the Jess mold; it helps Z stand out some.
