Friday, June 21, 2019

Love-a-Bye Babies are NOT for children!!!

Yesterday I spoke of the Love-a-Bye Babies, cute little Hasbro dolls that...sat there and looked adorable.  Here's a reused picture of my Aster.
At the end of the review I gave this doll and her cronies my stamp of approval for modern-day children...and that proved to be a mistake!  Treesa, one of our loyal followers, pointed out that the reason for the Love-a-Bye Babies' short run...was a RECALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Had I done a bit more of my homework I would've known about this!  Apparently these dolls have parts that are choking hazards.  I could've guessed that the bottles and the combs that accompanied the dolls could be choked on, but apparently the arms can pop off too.  According to the link, 3.75 million of these dolls were produced (I'm rounding that number up to two decimal places) between December of '87 and March of '89.  The recall apparently went into effect on April 3rd of 1990.  So based on that info I rescind my endorsement of these dolls as playthings for kids.  DO NOT GIVE THESE TO YOUR KIDS!!!

Big thanks to Treesa for calling me out on this.  In the future I will indeed look a little closer at the history of the dolls I review, for the safety and education of all of us, and also because I find information like this morbidly interesting.  No children appear to have been hurt by the Love-a-Bye Babies, but that isn't always the case.  The case that I tend to remember occurred before I was born, and it sadly resulted in the death of a four-year-old.  So PLEASE do a better job of researching than I did, and mind what you give your kids!

Y'all are a fabulous group of followers and I thank you for following our posts!

Much love to all,


  1. Hi again! I just read your last post. The faces of this dolls remind me a little bit of an older spanish doll called "Barriguitas" (which could be translated as Tummys or Bellys). Those dolls have been redesigned and look nothing like the originals nowadays, but the older versions look closer to this.

    1. I see the resemblance! Thanks for the info; I've never heard of the Barriguitas before.

  2. Such a sad story. :( Good thing your doll will just be hanging out on a shelf with her friends.
