Saturday, May 4, 2019

Technicolor dollies

Yes, I know it's late (it'll soon be midnight where I am), but I absolutely have to show these off.  These are custom Monster High dolls done by my friend Alyssia Brown.  Photo is used with her kind permission.  A couple of them are sold already, but the colors are so striking together!
Alyssia is the lovely lady who sold me my sugar skull doll, Morrada Calaveras.  As y'all can see, Alyssia has been very busy and she's STILL working on new creations.  They get more original all the time, too!  I can't remember at the moment if all of the rainbow troupe has been sold, but I know Blue and Purple went quickly.  My favorite is the green one, of course!

Can't wait to see what Alyssia does next!  Knowing her, she's probably got something pretty amazing up her sleeve. 

I should have a review done this week.  I've been feeling very tired lately, for no reason at all, but I should have a review up this Thursday.  Until then, feast with your eyes!

Much love,


  1. I can see why the green one is your favourite RM, she has rather a cheeky look about her, and a little glint in her eye that suggest she's ready to get up to mischief. LOL!

    Thanks for sharing the photo, I love seeing what other artists create and these are great!
    Big hugs,

    1. LOL, I didn't even notice how mischevious the green one looks! I was too smitten by her being...well, green! She certainly does look like she'd like to play some sort of prank!

      If you like art dolls like this then I recommend looking Alyssia up on FB. Her little creations look like something you might see on "Face Off."
