Saturday, March 16, 2019

Who will this year's "It Girl" be?

Hola, compadres, it's RagingMoon1987 with one of her famous "just for the heckuvit" posts.  As y'all probably know by now Barbie has steadily grown more and more diverse, with new skin tones, body shapes, hairstyles, and head molds being mixed into the Fashionista world, and 2019 will be no different.  This year will see Barbie I say "handicaps"?  Maybe I'd better be politically correct for once and just say "differently abled," because that's what one Barbie is.  Or three, rather; two of the new girls utilize a wheelchair...
...and the third has a prosthetic leg.
I'm particularly excited for the girl with the prosthesis, though her face and outfit don't do much for me.  She's pretty, no question, but she just looks...very ordinary in the face.  She does make me stop to think, though, about the first time I saw a person with a prosthetic leg.  He came the summer that we had siding put on the house, and he was the sweetest guy I ever met.  He'd had and beaten bone cancer, if my memory serves me right, and he had no problem with talking to two small children who had never before seen a prosthetic leg.  His leg was flesh-colored, unlike the doll's.  I'm excited about this doll, though, especially since I'm hearing scuttlebutt that the leg can be removed.

As delighted as I am about the dolls with different abilities, my eyes have been dazzled by two other new girls, neither of whom sport a prosthesis or a wheelchair.  One has this bizarre green pompadour...
...and the other is this beautiful violet-haired dame with very dark skin.
I always have a hard time photographing very dark dolls, as past photographs of Duckie and Deb will show, but that purple hair...oh wow, do I love that!  The unusual hair is one thing I miss the most about the Monster High dolls, and I'm glad to see that Mattel is kicking it up a notch with hair colors.  It does make me wonder, though:  which of these dolls will be the one everyone has to have???  In past years the Fashionistas have had at least one doll that everyone was gnashing at the bit to own, and usually the doll in question had some sort of physical attribute to help her stand out.  One year it was Kenzie (left), with her exuberant blonde curls and her head that was usually reserved for dolls of color.  Another year it was Elizabeth, a.k.a. "L.A. Girl," with her partial buzz cut and pink streaks.
Jova was popular too, since she was the first one to sport a huge Afro.
The first, but not the last, as Dandelion captured my heart with her huge blonde 'fro (and her freckles).  Last year was the first year that I can remember there being two "It Girls," as Duckie was popular with her dark skin and brightly colored dress.  Notice how poorly Duckie photographed in this shot.  She is underexposed and Dandy is overexposed.
I apologize for the spate of reused pictures from past blogs, as every single one of the dolls pictured above has since been redressed.  Indeed, Duckie and Dandy will be making an appearance later on this week.  But folks, that's quite a visually striking group!  Brightly dressed, happy faces, interesting hair, different skin tones and heights, I can see why everyone loved them.  Well okay, not everyone, but these girls were popular.  Since they ARE visually interesting it makes me wonder:  will the visually striking dolls prevail this year as well, or will the more bland dolls with prosthetic limbs and wheelchairs prevail this year?  Or...will a dark horse steal the show?  Someone like this young lady with the Blorange face and a bumper crop of freckles, with no hair streaks OR prosthetic limbs?
Oh Lordy, my poor pocketbook!  I know for certain that the girl with green hair and the girl with purple hair will be coming home with me, and I may go for the girl with the prosthetic leg too since I don't know when I'll see another doll like that.  I like the freckle-faced doll too, for that matter.

Who will your It Girls be???  One of these that I showed above, or someone else?

Much love, 


  1. I don’t know who this year’s “it” girl will be, but I will say that the girl with all the freckles has already come home with me. I think she’s adorable!! However, I do plan to rebody her onto the tall basketball player’s body.

    I will definitely be getting the girl with the prosethetic leg. I’m so happy to see dollmakers make dolls that represent people who look different. My daughter’s 2nd grade teacher lost both arms at the elbow and both legs at the knee when she got a bad infection, got sepsis and almost died. She does not use arm prosthetics, but she does use prosthetics for her legs. My daughter is excited for a doll that reminds her of one of her favorite teachers. I don’t mind this dolls face. I quite like her combination of brown hair, light colored eyes, and bushy eyebrows. I don’t like her dress though.

    The girl with purple hair is gorgeous and I’ll probably get her too. They’re also coming out with a doll with a head full of micro braids. I might end up getting her as well. I like the idea of dolls in wheelchairs, but I think both dolls are pretty bland looking. I wished they had used more interesting looking dolls for this. I’m not sure what I think about the doll with green hair. I like her face, and I like the idea of green hair - but I don’t like her hair style at all. I wonder what it would look like taken down?

    1. Oh goody, a doll with microbraids!!! I've been hoping for one of those to crop up! Oh, isn't that freckled doll adorable??? I'd love to have her, but if I had all the dolls I loved I wouldn't have room for me!

  2. I wish both the weelchair dolls and the one with the prosthetic leg are succesfull, so we will see more in the future (or maybe not, it's Mattel). I just wish the doll with the prosthetic leg had an articulated body, just like they did with the weelchair dolls. I think that all five (or maybe all except the wheelchair Millie) will be quite coveted.
    Take care.

    1. I wish ALL the Fashionistas were articulated!

    2. Me too! Or at least, they could make half of them articulated and the other half with stiff bodies, so you could choose between "budget" or more "deluxe". Also, I wish they released more MTM dolls, at this point we should have a full line of curvy MTM ladies.

    3. Amen. I never found a curvy MTM doll. I agree with you on the half-and-half idea, with half having a stiff body and the other half having a flexible body. But you watch, Mattel will do that and all the MTM bodies will end up being white. I hate pulling the race card, but dang it, my dolls of color are too pretty to hold just one boring pose.
