Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Chelsea's friend needs a name!

I'm RagingMoon1987, and for a change I'm going to skip the long-winded intro and cut right to the chase.  I have this young lady, one of Chelsea's little friends.
She is a super-cute little doll, no question about that, but she didn't have her name on her box.  Some Chelsea dolls do, but not this one!  Apparently Chelsea has no shortage of little raven-haired friends, as I've seen the names Madison, Delia, and Renee all attached to a doll like mine.

So what's this portly brunette Missouri girl to do?  Well...normally I'd turn to the year's list of hurricane names and pick one from there, but since I've got three options already I think I'll ask y'all instead.  Here is a closeup of my doll's face.
Does she look like a Renee, a Madison, or a Delia to y'all?  Kindly share your opinions.



  1. Well RM she's definitely not a Renee, not sure about Delia either, mmm, I think she's most probably a Madison. Yep, most certainly she's a very cute Madison. :)
    Big hugs,

  2. I think she looks like a Madison. Something about her impish little face.

  3. I definitely think she looks like a Madison more than either Renee or Delia.

  4. I like Madison as well as Renee.Why not combine the names and name her two of the names like Madison Renee?
