Monday, February 4, 2019

Dulcie's new dress and some random stuff

It's a sad day at the Moon House, as I woke up and found my beloved tuxedo cat Sampson dead.  He was a senior cat, at least fifteen years of age, and he'd been in a slow decline since Christmas so this wasn't a great shock.  Nevertheless Sampson was dearly loved by the whole family and thus he will be sorely missed.  This is my beloved goofball during his healthier days.  Like many cats, his favorite thing to do was sleep.
Great time to cheer myself up with something cute.  The weather has been unseasonably warm except for that last wave of snow, with temperatures in the mid to upper sixties, and what would pop up in the mail but this adorable dress?
This is yet another Etsy find, from the Singapore-based NDLYhandmade.  It's sized for a Blythe doll, meaning that Licca-chan can wear it.  Since my little Dulcie only has an ill-fitting Barbie dress to her name, she gets to wear it.
Not the best picture, but y'all get the drift.  It's just your simple little Blythe dress with a gingham top and a full flowered skirt.  The cuffs of the sleeves are each adorned with a single gilded bead...
...and the left front of the bodice is decked out with a sprig of beaded and embroidered flowers.
Oh, and those shoes?  Those are the cute little high tops that Kohaku wore a few posts back.
Kohaku is also dressed dominantly in pink, pic!
I just love Licca-chan!  She always cheers me, even on a rainy, icky day like today.

So that's my random crap for today.  If you have pets of your own, tell them you love them and cherish the time you have with them.  I gave Sampson plenty of love and kisses before he passed, but just the same, when they're gone you always wish you could have one more cuddle.

Tenderest love to all,


  1. Sampson reminds me of my gorgeous tuxedo cat Phantom. I miss her so much. Maybe they will be friends out there over the Rainbow Bridge. What a lovely boy Sampson was! I’m so sorry for your loss, but I am sure he absolutely adored you. He looks so comfortable and secure in that picture.

    What a cute dress! I love the cute aesthetic that the Alicia dolls have. There’s just something so appealing about them.

    1. Sampson was a wonderful cat, yes. Very affectionate, very loved by the whole family, very spoiled. I have no doubt that he and Phantom will be great friends, as he loved everyone no matter what their species.

      So glad you like the dress! I forgot to link the seller, though! LOL, I'll have to go back and do that. Oh yes, I love Licca's innocence and cuteness; she's very different from other dolls that try so hard to be hip and stylish.

  2. I'm so sorry to hear about your cat. Best thoughts.

    1. Thank you! I miss him already, but I'm glad he's out of his suffering.

  3. So sorry for the loss of your dear Sampson, it's very difficult to come to terms with a pet dying, but it appears you are holding up well.

    Ah a pretty dress can always cheer one up, glad it did you. :)
    Big hugs,

    1. It helps some to be a woman of faith. That's not a cure-all, but in the case of losing a pet it helps quite a bit. I also take solace in thinking of how sick Sampson was before he died. I was actually making plans to have him put to sleep since he wasn't responding to his medicine, so he saved me some trouble by dying naturally. He'll still be missed, though; he wasn't the brightest cat in the world, and as such he did a lot of funny things.

      So glad you like the dress! I remember how you like pink.

  4. I'm so sorry about your kitty. We've lost several ourselves, through 25 years of cat ownership. Being out of their suffering is about the only good thing about it. I do like to think of a character from C.S. Lewis' The Great Divorce. A woman in heaven is surrounded by all the animals that she ever loved when she was alive.

    1. Oh, C.S. Lewis...I really need to read him more. He and I both converted from atheism/agnosticism to Christianity, and I'd like to read his testimony to see if we have any experiences in common. I thank you for your kind words about my dear Sampson; I miss him, but it's a relief to know he's comfortable. My father probably scooped him up and started cuddling him when he got to heaven.

  5. Oh my gosh, I am SO SORRY about your beloved Sampson. Your doll looks adorable in that dress. I wish it was warm here... been a snowstorm for the past couple of days!

    1. Thanks for the kind words about my baby and about Dulcie's dress. I miss Sampson a lot, but the other animals are all alright so I will be too.

      I'm not sure at this point which is worse, ice and snow, or random windstorms that derail trains. One did that up at Dexter last Thursday and the mess STILL isn't fully cleaned up.
