Sunday, January 20, 2019

Sunday randomness: snow day!

Well, actually I would've gotten off anyway since it's Sunday, but here's the view I get when I step outside.
We got two inches of the white stuff this time, not as much as other storms we've had in the past, but enough to make the roads slick.  The copious rain that came immediately before the temperatures dropped didn't help matters.  Part of my front stoop is sheathed in a thin but slick layer of ice.
My driveway isn't much better.  It had about two inches of rain gathered in a big puddle, and that froze over.  I could play hockey on my driveway now if I knew how to skate!
As nasty as it was yesterday I'm surprised we only got two inches.  This is what it looked like at two-o'clock yesterday afternoon.  The roads weren't bad yet but the visibility was terrible.  It got worse than this, too!
My mother was in Kennett and had to drive all the way back to Malden in that mess.  Our boss let us go an hour and a half early so Mama and her coworker wouldn't have to drive in the dark, but Mama says it was still pure hell getting home.  The wind was high and the road she chose to take was very slick, and what normally would be a thirty-minute trip stretched into an hour and ten minutes.  She got back in one piece though, and I'm thankful to the good Lord above for that.

Could've been worse, though.  This is what my sister was facing in Burlington, Vermont yesterday...
...and this is what it looks like today.
Sister's car is the one on the far left.  It's uncovered for the most part, as is the one in the middle.  The barely visible car to the left of center has NOT been dug out and it's all but covered.
Blick, they can keep that, thank you!  

With the roads slick, the snow blindingly bright, and the temperature around twenty-three degrees I have been keeping my fat white rear parked in bed with raw cookie dough to eat and old episodes of The Wrath of God and Seconds From Disaster to watch.  Yep, I'm going on a disaster history binge!  Oh yes, I've also been piddling around with the subjects of my next two doll blogs, seen below.
Their names are Tea Blossom and Dawn, and they're both excited to meet y'all.  Well...Tea is excited.  Dawn, I've already learned, is a pretty chill little gal.  Dawn is one of the new #SNAPSTAR dolls, and I've been tinkering around with the accompanying green screen and phone app that come with these dolls.  The results, as y'all will see, have been interesting.

Now I'm off to watch Kobe, Japan get rocked by a magnitude 7.2 earthquake.  For some strange reason, that's one of my favorite Seconds From Disaster episodes.  Cheers!

Much love and warmth to all,


  1. Oooooh I am glad I don't live there, it's too darn chilly for li'l ol' me ... I love my sunshine far too much. Stay warm in your bed and enjoy some time out. :)
    Big hugs,

    1. LOL, would you believe that today is the first time in two weeks that I've seen the sun? I normally like dreary, damp weather, but two solid weeks is a bit much.

  2. Our house looks a lot like what your sister has to deal with! The wind is whipping outside as I type this and I think the high tomorrow is going to be about 0 degrees, lol. I'm glad your mom made it home ok, though! I love your new dolls. I haven't been tempted by the Snapstars, but I'm glad there is at least something new on the shelves out there in the dolly world!

    1. Brrr, zero??? That sounds awful! LOL, I'm cautiously optimistic about the success of the Snapstars, but they look so much like LIV dolls that they may suffer the same fate! Stay warm, chica!
