Monday, August 6, 2018

Poor little puppies!

Bella and Sonic made it through their respective surgeries with little fuss and are now home with their mama.  Here they are, all decked out in their Elizabethan collars.  Sonic is the black and tan one, and Bella is all tan.
Bella is still pretty loopy, so I'm letting them rest on my rather unkempt bed.

Grandma's funeral went off without a hitch.  We had about fifty people, a large turnout for a graveside service.  Both my pastor and my mother's cousin-in-law preached, and we sang a hymn, and we laughed and hugged and said a lot of thank-yous and went out separate ways.  It was really quite pleasant, much more so than I was expecting.  The weather even held...and just as I'm typing this my weather radio is going off.  We may have severe storms tonight and tomorrow.

Now I'm going to take a nap with the puppies.  I should be back to regular blogging next week.



  1. I'm glad it went well with the pups and the funeral. I think I can see the puppies thinking: what is that thing doing around my neck, take it off! ;-D

    1. LOL, they HATE those things!!! They'll have to live with them for the next fortnight, though.

  2. Glad everything went ok for your pups and that the funeral went well too. The pups do look uncomfortable in those collars!

    1. LOL, they are, poor babies! And they've got to wear them for a full two weeks.
