Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Dollies and drama

This is one of those posts that will start off light and end heavy, so bear with me.  Yesterday the library had one of their summer reading program meetings, which we have every year for the local children, and one of the little girls brought a friend with her.
Posea Reef, from the Great Scarrier Reef line.  She's got a few pieces missing, as children's toys inevitably do, but what a beautiful face!  I was sorely tempted by this doll when she came out, and I wish I'd grabbed her.

Not that I have anything to complain about, as I have still another someone new added to my queue of things to be reviewed.  She's a little shy, but here's a sneak peak anyway.
Some of y'all might be able to guess who she is.  Talolili is disqualified from guessing because she's already seen this doll on Facebook (sorry, Tal), but the rest of y'all are free to take a stab.  This post's labels will offer some clues.

Alrighty, so that's the dolly part of this post.  Now to the drama.  My grandmother has been staying at the nursing home, and she had stabilized to the point where she was wanting to try and walk.  Unfortunately the nursing home is understaffed, sometimes with two women working a single very long wing, and long story short, Grandma fell and broke her leg last night.  First we thought it was her kneecap, and then we heard it was her hip, and it turned be neither!  Grandma broke her femur right above the knee, and of course it was a serious enough injury to warrant a visit to Sikeston, MO's emergency room.  Simple enough since Sikeston has a very good hospital...but it was so late at night that the orthopedic surgeon wasn't on call.  So Grandma's leg did not get set, but that's not the end of it.  Sikeston, for reasons I'll probably never know, did not admit Grandma as a patient and sent her on a forty-mile ride...back to that damned nursing home here in Malden. 

So there y'all have it.  I haven't seen Grandma, nor do I want to see her in the state she's in, but she's obviously in a lot of pain and the nursing home is trying to do what they can to control it until she can take another forty-mile ride back to Sikeston.  The past seventeen hours have thus been quite stressful; my whole family is this bizarre combination of angry and sad and scared and anxious and sleep-deprived, and we're trying to go about our daily lives while keeping tabs on the situation.  To compound things somewhat Grandma has a history of blood clots (the last one almost killed her), and I personally am fearing that she'll have another one and that'll be what finally takes her.  I worry that the longer that bone goes unset the more likely that'll be to please pray.  Grandma is ninety and it's not like I'll have her forever, but I'm still not ready to let her go, and I know the rest of the family isn't ready either.  Prayers will be greatly appreciated.

EDIT:  I've subsequently learned that Grandma's leg was splinted and she was given enough painkiller to knock out a horse, but it's still not set and I'm still pissed.  Sikeston could've kept her and had the doctor see her ASAP.  The doctor WILL see her though, and it's the same doctor that replaced Mama's hip last year so that's some good news.

Much love,


  1. I’m horrified for your poor grandma! Has your family talked to the patient advocate at the hospital? That is appalling and inexcusable that they would send her back without treatment!

    1. Well, I actually have good news. They did immobilize the leg and get an appointment set up for later on this week. Mama went to go see Grandma and she was so high on pain medicine that she didn't even know what happened. She will be seeing an orthopedic surgeon some time this week and thank God, he's the same surgeon that did my mother's hip surgery. She'll be in good hands.

      Mama spoke to a few friends in the meantime and she learned that it's actually normal for folks to be treated and then sent back home again. It's all in the name of the almighty dollar, and never mind if the patient hurts like an MF'er. I'll bring up that bit about the patient advocate with Mama, though. I should've been clear that she WAS treated, but couldn't see the doctor right then.

  2. I'm glad to read that your grandma is going to be treated by a good doctor, although it's upsetting that it takes so long. I wish her a complete recovery. Aha, I know the doll I think: it's Delilah Noir isn't it?

    1. Ding-ding-ding, Millicent got it right! Delilah Noir it is.

      Grandma gets to see the doctor TOMORROW, so just keep your fingers crossed for her. That'll be another ride to Sikeston, and the weather may be bad tomorrow so there's that added in.
