Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Round two of severe weather

I find it fitting that on the anniversary of three violent tornadic events (1956, 1964, and 1974) we'd be staring down the barrels of another severe weather outbreak.  Here's what the watch looks like (Malden is smack-dab in the middle):
Here's what the radar looks like.  We've already got a line of storms forming, with multiple severe thunderstorm warnings and one (1) tornado warning down in Arkansas.   Malden is the blue and white circle in the center.
As for how it looks here, well...to quote my grandfather, the sun's shining!  It's possible to see a bit of that mess off to the northwest, though.
Keep in mind that Grandpa said that right before Malden got hit by a tornado back in 1981, and I mean RIGHT BEFORE, as in fifteen minutes before.  Grandpa ended up taking the whole family tornado chasing that afternoon, family dog and all.  Anyway, the sun is out and shining, but the wind is blowing and it's fairly humid.  After what happened back in February I assume that anything can happen, but I think one tornado will do Malden for this year, thank you.  Y'all pray that no one gets hurt in these storms!

Yours cautiously,

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