Friday, April 13, 2018

Lola and Licca-chan and thunderstorms

One of my cats, Lola, decided to make friends with Licca-chan this evening.
I'll never get another shot like that, not if I tried for a million years.

In other news, my neck of the woods is facing severe weather...again.  Not only does this seem to be a once-every-fortnight thing, but I'm also noticing that storms like to hit my area after dark.  This means that any tornadoes that might form are next to impossible to see.  On the other hand, it seams like every time I report severe weather here on this blog nothing happens, so hopefully that trend will continue.  I love rain, but I can do without another tornado, thank you.

There will be a whole lot of Licca in the coming couple of months, so stay tuned!

Love always,


  1. Lovely picture of Lola and the doll :-)!

  2. Luca is so adorable and Lola looks so sweet with her!

    1. Thank you! Lola is ornery as all get out, but she's cute and I love her. No cat's much good if they're not ornery sometimes.

  3. Cute photo! Is that the body that normally comes with Licca Chan? I'm sorry to hear about the tornado scary. It's been snowing here on and off for the month of April, so I can relate to the annoying weather, lol.

    1. Praise the good Lord, we had no tornadoes here in Malden. After the tornado last February I'm more than happy for all that mess to go around us.

      No, that's not the body that Miss Licca should come with. Her old body was steadily getting more and more broken, so I gave her an Azone body. I'll be reviewing the new body in a month or so.
