Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Revisiting the Li'l Outrageous Littles

Back in August I blogged about the Li'l Outrageous Littles (a.k.a. LOL), blind bag dolls that come in little plastic pods and have assorted surprises.  These little dolls are overpriced and overpackaged, but my original full-sized doll Spice got a positive reaction so maybe I'll get a positive reaction with these.  Spice and Li'l Miss Baby were both members of Series 2, and my pods today are members of Series 3.
For a reminder, here's what the Series 2 pods look like.  They're pink with a wild assortment of textures.
The contents looked a little like this.
Alrighty, time to start peeling the onions.  Since Spice and Baby are already out of their pods I decided to let them play welcoming committee.  One of my new Lottie dolls also crashed the party, but I'm willing to overlook that since she's good at keeping the sometimes unruly Littles in line.
Lottie will be getting her review in good time, so stick around...'cause the days of sniffin' the dirt are over.  LOL, movie reference!

As with the first review I'm starting with the bigger pod.  The outer plastic on these is an attractive shade of yellow as opposed to the mint green of the Series 2 pods.  As I was scrutinizing these new pods I noticed something that I'd overlooked in the store:  these are the "Confetti Pop" dolls.  Their interior will thus be different.  See?
The pull lines are still zippers, but the bar codes are party poppers this time (last time they were baby bottles).
Miss Emily enjoyed the Confetti Pop line, as the confetti feature is apparently reusable.  We'll see how much of a bang I get out of it.  First layer concealed the secret message, containing a rocket and a flask of bubbly stuff.
I had to cheat to figure this one out.  I just couldn't get the connection.  Rocket fuel?  Rocket soda?  Rocket chemistry?  It turns out I was thinking too specifically, particularly in terms of "rocket chemistry," as the answer is...
Rocket SCIENCE!!!  Sheesh.

The next layer didn't come off cleanly, but it revealed not one but two surprises...sort of.  The stickers that accompany these dolls aren't much of a surprise since they're all the same, though this time mine are a little different from the first set.
There appears to be a mystery option now in addition to the mini-Gene Simmons, the spitting brat, the tinkler, and the crier.  That's a bit interesting...but not as interesting as THIS!!!
The pod is made of GOLD plastic.  The last time I saw this happen Miss Emily got two rare babies rather than one big one.  Now I'm super-excited!

The third surprise is probably something I'll toss in a grab bag for the next kiddie function at the library.  It's a temporary tattoo ring, and a cute one!
On second thought, I might wear that myself to the next story hour.  It looks like a cat-shaped gaming control...or something of that sort.  Either way it's cute.

This last bit is where things will get a bit hairy.  This layer has a series of instructions, like so.
I guess that'll be easy enough to follow.  I undid the last band and got this Wheel of Fortune-style spinning bit, with little doors on the bottom.
The little doors are hinged and proved easy to open.  Inside is a pink and black package, which in this case contained the bottle, done up in the shape of a milk carton.
Unfortunately, one side of the soft vinyl bottle is warped due to being crammed into that tiny little space.
Wait a minute...look at the warped side a little closer!
It's one of those "missing" ads that used to appear on the sides of milk cartons!!!  Good grief, that's a little dark for a toy, though it is a cute that modern-day kids may not get.  Do missing children even appear on milk cartons anymore???  This missing person appears to be a cat, so maybe some Little is missing a pet somewhere.  That would be more in step with this toy.  And indeed, the caption does say "Have U Seen Me-ow?"  If I recall correctly, Me-ow is one of the pets that Miss Emily wasn't terribly enamored with; those came with litter boxes, and the litter was smelly and messy.

Alright, spin the wheel and get two doors in a lighter shade of pink, holding another package.
This package contained an outfit...a purple jumper with pink accents and uneven coloring.
Wait a minute, it's not unevenly colored at all!  It changed colors in my hands!
To quote Finnick Odair, that's new.  LOL, more movie references!  Alrighty, spinny, spinny, spinny!  Two more hot pink doors, which contain..., I got two things.  A little headband and pacifier.  That's also not something I was expecting, since so far I've only seen the Li'l Sisters come with pacifiers.

The last compartment (pale pink doors) are holding...I predict shoes.
Neat, they're yellow shoes!  I am loving the clashing colors of this outfit!
The last compartment also revealed the ribbon that triggers the confetti function.  The ribbon is printed like a zipper, complete with a paper "pull."  Cute!
Alrighty...the instructions say to "flip over" and then "pull and pop."  I guess I'll have to do that in order to get this open, as I can see no other way.
Yep, that's the way to get it done!  It's very user-friendly, too.  The confetti is big circular pieces of black and gold paper, easy to clean up if this stuff gets everywhere.
The interior of this pod is very different.  Gone is the crash pad that many users seemed to have trouble getting to work.  Instead there's a spring-loaded platform that pushes the top of the pod off and the contents out.
The top part is nothing new, functioning as both a bathtub and a stand for the doll.
There is also a handle, which folds and looks like a zipper when folded.
There are a sheet of instructions, which I'll keep in case I forget how this pod works.  Hey, I've forgotten more important stuff than this!
There's also the checklist, which revealed who my Little is.  Do y'all think you can spot her?
Okay, time to tear open the package.  I wonder what she'll be like, since this pod is gold and all.
The headband was a bit of a tip-off, suggesting that I had a Rosie the Riveter type.  And indeed, my Little is Can-Do Baby, an ultra-rare.  Maybe that's why my pod is gold?  Anywho, I thought at first that Can-Do was shorter than Spice, but she's clearly...well, not!
Spice and Can-Do can share clothes, but Can-Do doesn't really look like the devilish type.  With that out of the way, let's take a look at Can-Do's elaborate hairdo.  Up front she's got one large curl and two smaller ones, plus spit curls galore.
In the back Can-Do has a center part with two short bangs.
According to the checklist Can-Do is only created with one surprise option, that being that she can change color.  I learned immediately after unbagging her that her socks can change color, but I thought "Surely that isn't it."  Given the unusual shade of her hair (it looks exactly like a piece of chocolate), I ran Can-Do under some warm water to see if the hair was part of the gimmick.  I was not disappointed.  Not only do Can-Do's orange socks turn white, but so does her hair.
These pictures were taken thirty seconds apart, by the way; the color change doesn't last, though it's extremely satisfying.  As a last little tidbit it's possible to see that Can-Do has orange stars printed on the front side of her diaper area.  Her backside is unfortunately bare...and of course that's the side that shows through the gaps in her outfit.

With Can-Do's pod successfully opened let's now peruse the smaller pod.
Here are my options.
I like Li'l Cosmic Queen the best, but she's another ultra-rare so I'm not getting my hopes up.  Since these pods are smaller they don't come with the confetti pop feature, which doesn't bother me greatly.

No fanfare this time, let's just do this.  The first layer has the secret message, and this time I think anyone could guess it.
Bookworm!  Now watch me be wrong.
Nope, bookworm it is!  The next "surprise" is the sticker, which isn't much of a surprise since the stickers for the Li'l Sisters are always the same.
The pod is pink, so no Li'l Cosmic Queen for me.  Li'l Can-Do is a common though, so maybe I'll get her...or maybe Li'l Pranksta, she's cute.  The next layer should give me a clue, but first check out this illustration.  This Little is saying something that I NEVER would've said as a kid.
Glad you do, sweetie.  I positively hated naps when I was a little kid, and now I love them.  Humans are weird like that, aren't they?

Okay, off with that layer and open with the pod.
The interior of this pod is the same as my other small pod, so I'll have to find a way to mark these so I don't get them mixed up.  I got all the same things in here that the larger pod held, so I'm going straight for those bags.  The flattest one held this inside.
A cute little pink video game controller, one that shows I had the tattoo ring upside down.  That should give me some sort of clue...but I'm still stumped.  Next bag holds...oh right, that keychain extension.  I didn't even bother to photograph that bit, as it's the same as Li'l Miss Baby's keychain.  Now...that last bag will be the doll unless someone at the factory made a colossal blunder.  And...wait a minute, there's two bags, one inside the other!
Good, because that stupid keychain is a lousy surprise.  The bigger of the two bags feels like it holds some sort of basket.
Nope, it's a big backpack, way too big for a Li'l Sister, or for the bigger figures!  The flap is stamped with a few pictures, including the words "Gamer Girl" in a pink heart.
Very weird, I don't see Bo Diddley on the checklist about a gamer.  Goodness knows who the last bag will hold.
Awww, she's adorable!  She is Li'l V.R.Q.T., counterpart to V.R.Q.T., one of my favorite larger Littles.  Q.T. is the same size as Li'l Miss Baby, though Baby's shoes elevate her somewhat.  Q.T. didn't come with any ill-fitting shoes, so that's a plus.
Q.T.'s hair is simply styled but elaborately painted, with a very subtle color difference along the back.  The color-change feature, no doubt.
Interestingly, this color change functions with cold water rather than the warm water that triggered Can-Do's color change.  The change on Q.T. doesn't last long and is thus hard to photograph, but when chilled the left side of her hair turns deep purple.
I thought I heard her callin' my name...LOL, Q.T. has no hope of carrying her backpack, but she fits inside it very nicely.
I forgot to mention that this backpack closes, though not with Q.T. in it.  I did mention that the backpack is too big to be worn by either the small Littles or the bigger ones.  Maybe Lottie can wear it?
Well, I had to take Lottie's raincoat off...but yes, she can wear this backpack.  It makes her hair hang funny though, a problem that is common among Lottie dolls as we'll see in the coming months.

So, final thoughts?  Well, I'm pleased as punch to get something special in the form of an ultra-rare in a gold pod, that much is certain.  Can-Do Baby doesn't disappoint either, as I've not yet seen the color-change feature used on a LOL as extensively as it was used on her.  The confetti pop feature is nice as it can be used over and over again; I definitely prefer it to the hard-to-use crash pads of the first waves.  I was able to get said crash pads to work, but not many were so it's good to see that part gone.  The smaller Littles appear to have kicked it up a notch with colors and themes, so that is also a plus.  The cost remains prohibitive, however, and quite frankly...there's not a lot one can do with these dolls once they're out of their pods.  They pretty much just stand there and look cute, or they make decent props for larger dolls, or decent playmates for smaller dolls.  So if you're willing to shell out six bucks for a larger pod, go for it, and if you're not, definitely don't.  I will throw in though that the confetti pop feature is pretty neat.

How about it, Lottie?  You okay with the new arrivals?
Lottie's pretty chill about things, so I don't think she minds one way or the other.  Can-Do acts like she likes Lottie, though!
This originally was where I intended to end this, but...I bought two more of the Li'l Sisters.  The store was sold out of the big dolls already, if y'all can believe that.  I'm hoping desperately for Li'l Cosmic Queen or Li'l Pranksta or Li'l Can-Do, but I'll be happy with what I long as it's not any duplicates.  Here's the pods all unpeeled...
...and here's who I got in there.
I ended up with Li'l Babydoll (left) and Li'l Cheeky Babe.  Not whom I was hoping for, but I'm satisfied.  Cheeky is particularly cute with her British theme.  Once again the purses are too big for either the large Littles or the Li'l Sisters, though Babydoll and Cheeky look very cute INSIDE the bags.
Both dolls came with shoes that are ill-fitting and can be shared with the full-sized Littles, and both dolls came with messages that I've never seen before.  Babydoll's is a no-brainer.
I've heard this term off and on all during my life:  cat nap.
Cheeky's message though...this one made me lift an eyebrow.  Boulder door?  Rock door?  Rockin' in the dark?  Rock came out of the closet?
Well, there IS an "out" in the message!  LOL, being a rock 'n' roll fan I should've known this.
As for the color-change feature...well, I couldn't get any pictures, but Babydoll's hair turned brown in cold water...and Cheeky does nothing in either warm OR cold water!  That's a bit of a bummer, particularly since the package says all these Li'l Sisters have something that changes color.  I may have to play with Cheeky more.

I reiterate my comments above.  These are cute for anyone who wants to pay six bucks a pop or more for a single pod.  There appears to be a decent amount of variation in these pods, as I haven't gotten a duplicate yet.  So while I've sunk a healthy hunk of change into these Li'l Outrageous Littles, so far I haven't wasted any money.  To keep it that way I think I'll stop for now, or keep my eyes peeled for the pets that Miss Emily wasn't smitten with.

Hugs, kisses, and cookies,

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