Saturday, January 6, 2018

Random comments on my favorite new Fashionistas

This is one of those spur-of-the-moment, do-this-post-because-I-can sorts of posts.  I'm seeing a lot of publicity pictures about the new Barbie dolls slated for release (indeed, some of them have already been released), and quite frankly...well, if I had the money and the room I'd buy every single one.  But I don't have the money or the room, so why not just do a quick rundown of which ones I like the best?

#81, Cheerful Check
This one is petite and wearing one of my favorite fabric patterns:  plaid.  I missed out on the last two dolls wearing plaid, and I don't intend to let this one get away.  She wears her hair in cute little puffs that remind me of Minnie Mouse, and I love her face!  I do wish her necklace was red instead of silver (I think it would tie her look together a bit better), but overall this one is great.  I've seen this one in stores already, so all I have to do now is wait.

#82, Wear Your Heart
Another petite girl, this one sports the Kira face that I love so much.  She's not the first Fashionista to do so and I hope she won't be the last.  The first Kira Fashionista was cute, but she was...well, she looked a bit too much like a doll I've already got.  This doll just stands out to me more with her red lips and low-maintenance hairstyle.  Plus, she's got a bit of a geek-chic thing going on with those pixelated hearts on her dress.  What's not to like?

Chic in Chambray
This one has an original-sized body, and sha-zowie, new face mold!  Kattis Dolls compares this doll's smile to that of Julia Roberts, but I think this doll is WAY prettier than Julia Roberts (a.k.a. "Duck Lips").  I like her pink buzz cut too; that's fairly cutting-edge for Barbie, who usually sports long hair.  

To Tie Dye For
Curvy girl, tie-dyed dress.  'Nuff said.  I would've worn a getup like this myself one time, white platforms and all.

Cactus Cooler
I'm still conflicted about the man-bun.  On one hand it's a good way to tie back long hair and get it off your neck without having to cut it, but on the other hand most of the young men I've known with man-buns have just been overgrown little boys who think they're God's gift to the fairer sex.  Okay, I'm being harsh, since I've only known ONE guy like that.  Anyway, I like this Ken doll.  He has a nice face and one of the new Ken bodies (he's on a slim body)...and HELL-OOOO, he's got little cacti printed on his shirt!  So cute!  Besides, it's been years since I got a Ken doll.

There's also two that I haven't yet found too many pictures for.  One has a huge blonde Afro, and the other has a very, VERY deep skin tone and wears a rainbow dress.  Both of them can be seen in this image.  I guess they're scheduled for later on in the year, maybe around the summer or sometime like that.  I love how different they are, though; the blonde one is super-pale, and the African-American doll is super-dark.  She makes me think a little of Khoudia Diop, who would make a beautiful Barbie doll herself.  But anyway, there's two more that I like quite a bit.  Will I get ALL of these dolls?  Of course not; I don't have room, like I said in the beginning.  But a couple of these are must-haves.



  1. The blonde with the afro and the very dark skinned one are part of a set that are marked for release in April/May this year. The others were the Christmas 2017 lineup and are pretty widespread in most stores now. :)

    1. Boy, Mattel really is stepping up its game with these releases!

  2. Great choices! Chic in Chambray is my favorite, the hair and clothes are beautiful :-).

    1. That one's just neat all over. It isn't every day one sees a Barbie with a buzz cut.

  3. Chic in Chambray is also a favorite of mine from this group. And the Cheerful Check and the Kira and the . . . Mattel IS really stepping up their game. I am looking foreward to the next group too.

    1. I'm so happy to see the varied appearances of these dolls. I do hope that maybe now they'll start stepping up their game with the clothes, and stop that printing on one side only!
