Monday, January 15, 2018

More snow

It has snowed most of the day here in Malden, and it's STILL coming down!  This is what my front yard looks like.
We got about two inches of the white stuff, on top of the rest of that icy crap that fell last Friday.  The local schools have called it off again for tomorrow, and up and down the block I've seen kids playing.  I am not, nor will I ever be a big advocate of winter, but I can tolerate it when this happens, because at least there's something to look at when I peep out the window.  The lighting is actually great for doll photography...but I'm NOT going out in this unless I absolutely have to!

Much love,


  1. I've been having problems commenting on people's blogs. If this goes to spam, could you let me know when you publish it? Also, I'm rather used to winter living up here in NE Ohio, but the last day of extra low temperatures should be tomorrow and then we get a reprieve for a while, so I'm glad about that.

    1. Yes, m'lady, it did indeed go to spam. I've been noticing that a lot lately and it's made me scratch my head a little since you are by no means a spammer! I'm no stranger to cold weather myself since winter can go either way in southeastern Missouri, but the cold right now is just insane! When I got up this morning it was FIVE DEGREES FAHRENHEIT!!! Like y'all, I've been told that it should warm up a bit later on this week, so maybe we'll finally get rid of this ice.
