Sunday, August 27, 2017

Dolly Dress Discussion: Mattel Magic Nursery outfit

I'm going good to step away from fashion dolls for this review and revisit another Mattel doll that I not-so-recently discussed.  Last August I reviewed this My Child doll, whom I named Morgan.  A couple of months after I reviewed Morgan, Miss Emily began a series of posts about a similar Mattel line called Magic Nursery.  I love the concept behind the Magic Nursery dolls, which involves a lot of surprises, but since they're so much like Morgan I've chosen to hold off on buying one for now.  I did briefly browse eBay to get an idea about prices for these dolls, and during said browsing session I found my favorite Magic Nursery dress.
I don't think one could get this dress without buying a doll, so I was particularly pleased to find it running loose.  I have good reason to think that Morgan can wear this, because she is wearing the exact same shoes as several of Miss Emily's Magic Nursery dolls.  But first...what else but a review?  There's no package to open since this dress was running loose, but it's still good enough to review.  This will be one of my more simple reviews, as there is naught but the dress.  It IS a dress, but it looks like a top and jumper set.  The "top" is buttercup yellow and sewn in the shape of a T-shirt.
This top feels like it may be a different material than the skirt.  It feels slightly softer than the skirt, and it drapes better.  The top is where the whole shebang closes, with two little tabs of Velcro.
The front of the bodice is trimmed with a little black ribbon that hangs like a necktie.
The bodice also has these straps, faux suspenders that are made out of hot pink and black checkered fabric.  They extend all the way to the back.
These are separate little pieces, not printed on, but they're also sewn to the shoulders so they won't slide out of place.
The front ends of the straps are sewn into cute little points and are decorated with yellow velour "buttons."
Now the waistband.  The waistband doesn't match either the top or the skirt, being sea green and black checks.
Unlike the suspenders, the waistband doesn't extend all the way around. 
Interestingly, this waistband is not attached to the bodice all the way; it's held flat by the suspenders.  So this is supposed to be a bib-top rather than a waistband. 
The skirt is a simple panel of checkered fabric.
The waist is gathered, and notice how evenly spaced the gathers are.
Attached to the left front of the skirt is a patch with the Magic Nursery logo.  This is attached with yellow thread and is firmly sewn on for now, but notice that one of the cut ends has worked loose.
The interior looks pretty good.  There are a few loose threads here and there, but nothing super-glaring.
I got this outfit with the hope that it would fit my little Morgan, and it does.
I suspect very strongly that there is a loose link between My Child and Magic Nursery since both are Mattel dolls, and the latter came right on the heels of the former, so it doesn't surprise me much that the two dolls can share clothes.  I don't think Morgan can wear ALL of the Magic Nursery's available clothes since those dolls did come in several different sizes, but this one works just fine.  It's not too tight or too loose anywhere, and the buttery top matches Morgan's faded yellow hair ribbons.  I love Morgan's white duck dress, but as with my other dolls it's nice to have some other options.  If I had any critiques about the way this looks on Morgan, I'd say that it's dated.  That print is definitely like something a little kid would've worn in the late eighties or early nineties.  But that's a minor gripe and I'm not going to fault the dress for that, because that was just the style back then.  Colors and goofy prints were IN!!!

Just for grins, here's Morgan with Denise.
They make a cute pair, as my dolls often do.  Since Mattel took over production of American Girl dolls I guess one could say that these two are cousins-in-law!

Unless I get doll clothes for my birthday, this should be my last Dolly Dress Discussion for awhile.  I want to wait until after Christmas and see if American Girl puts anything on sale before buying anything from there, and with Denise's new things and Morgan's new dress I should be set for awhile.  Now to work on Thursday's post; I'm running a bit behind with it.


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