Monday, June 12, 2017

A bright spot in a stressful weekend

My weekends consist of Sunday and Monday now that I'm Malden's head librarian, and this weekend has been long, hot, and exhausting.  Nothing but chores, chores, chores all weekend long.  They were important chores and it feels good to have them done (or half-done in a few cases), but doing chores is not my idea of relaxing after a busy week.  Luckily I did get some brief time to gawk at some of Dexter, Missouri's downtown storefronts, and one of them had these in the windows.
One of them is a lavishly dressed Crissy; since she has loosely curled hair I suspect she's the one that came with a Swirla-Curler.  The others are your run-of-the-mill but still pretty porcelain dolls.  The one on the far right was a little camera-shy at first, but with a little cajoling she perked up a bit.
Not a great picture, but it's fairly easy to see her pretty face.  I think Crissy's three cronies are some porcelain artist's attempt to create dolls that look like the Jumeau and Armand Marseille dolls that were popular a century ago.  The tall doll in tan particularly looks that way.

Hopefully next weekend won't be quite as nuts.  I don't know if I can stand another one like this.

Cordially yours


  1. I hear you about the business! After a long, full week or work, the last thing I want to do is clean my house and sort through stuff or do outside yard work! All while trying to spend good quality time with my 5 and 8 yr old daughters... I don't have any time for dolls and minis at the moment and I miss it! Lovely photos of the dolls...glad the one one right came out if her shell. ;)

    1. I love it when store fronts do this; downtown Dexter has some lovely shops with nice things in the windows, but this is the only one that went the dolly route. They're cute dolls; it's always a pleasure to see another Crissy doll.
