Monday, May 1, 2017


I've never been a gymnast, but I'm fascinated by the sport.  I've always gotten a kick out of watching pint-sized ladies and gentlemen whip their bodies into impossible positions and make it look so effortless.  Of course it's NOT effortless, but it looks it!  Anywho, few modern-day gymnasts have impressed me more than Gabby Douglas, who is both talented and beautiful, in addition to being a woman of God (always important in my book).  There had been some chatter about a doll done in Miss Gabby's likeness, and now that appears to be more than chatter!  The doll's release date is today!
I'd heard that the real Gabby had been presented with an OOAK doll in her likeness, and I saw (and signed) a petition for a mainline doll, but I didn't know Mattel was actually going to do it so this comes as a very pleasant surprise.  The Gabby Douglas doll is a pink label doll, meaning that she should be both easy to find and affordable.  She has the Made to Move body and a new head designed by Carlyle Nuera, the designer behind Mutya Barbie and several other vinyl lovelies.  Barbie Collectors has her available with free shipping for a short time, so if you want this doll now is a good time to snap her up.  I would, but I've already hit my dolly quota for the month.  I'll wait for her to hopefully hit store shelves.  But if any of y'all want to go the online route you can go to this link here.

Special thanks to Debbie Behar Garrett for this delightful news.  If you're looking for a good blog on black dolls, Miss Debbie is the one for you.  If you look closely at the side panel of her blog you'll find a petition for a black Silkstone male, which I think is a good idea.  Male dolls don't get fair treatment from Mattel as it is, and a male Silkie of color would be fabulous.

Much love,


  1. I picked Gabby up at TRU a couple of days ago. Note that she does not come with the balance beam and mat. There is a cardboard balance beam, but it is not very useful, just packaging swag. I do like her sweats and gymnastic uniform though and I am a Gabby Douglas fan!

    1. Yeah, I figured that the balance beam was just a prop for the pictures; Barbie Collector's website said nothing about accessories. So you got yours from an honest-to-God store already? I'm minorly jealous (LOL). Seriously though, that's good to know that Miss Gabby will be easy to get. I'm willing to bet we're not the only fans out there who will want this doll.

  2. That's a cute pose you have of the Gabby Douglas doll. Pity that Mattel hasn't made a realistic balance beam.

    I'm one of the least agile people I know, but I used to like the balance beam. It seemed less dangerous than the rings

    Hope you find a Gabby doll soon. Would be fun to see how you pose her ;-)

    1. LOL, I never even fared well on the balance beam! If it doesn't flood too badly I'm going to try and find a Gabby this weekend; if you read Phyllis's post above then you'll see that these dolls are already hitting the stores. Fingers crossed that I'll find one!
