Friday, March 10, 2017

Weather woes (not dolly related)

It's only during exceptional times that I post more than once a week.  Yesterday I had Sindy's post planned, and then my coworker surprised me with one of her dolls for my study.  Then last night the weather went nuts.  Malden never got put under a tornado warning officially, but the center of the strongest rotation went just north and that was enough to send me to the bathroom, animals in tow.  The wind and the hail made an awful racket and I was terrified.  So were the cats; Callie hunkered down under my bathrobe, and Lily cuddled up by my butt trying to hide.  My chinchilla, Bentley, acted like it didn't phase him much; he sat in his little carrier, nibbling on the treat that I'd given him.  But that was arguably the longest forty-five minutes of my life.  I give my thanks to God for keeping us safe, and to KAIT-TV for keeping us informed.

For the most part we came out unscathed, but we did have one casualty:  our fence.
Second time since we owned the house that the fence has been blown down.  The first time was back in 2011, when everyone everywhere was receiving bad weather.  Anywho, the danged thing blew down, the uprights and the crosspieces broke off, and so we're up a creek.  This wouldn't be a huge deal except for our dogs.  We have five dogs, and none of them mind when you yell "GET BACK HERE!!!"  So we're in a bit of a conundrum right now.  The whole thing was constructed poorly to begin with, and the wood is warped in places.  The good news is that our roof is 100% intact; part of it blew off in the 2011 storm too.  We were blessed big time this time, so I really shouldn't gripe too much about the fence.  I just hate it that the dogs will have to go out one at a time and on leashes until we get it fixed.

I'll keep you posted on anything that goes down after this.  We're facing a possible ice storm this weekend, believe it or not, and I'm not at all happy about that.

Best wishes, 


  1. Oh my goodness, how scary! Glad to hear everyone is safe and there wasn't too much damage. It's crazy how much these storms can destroy in so quick a time. Hoping you don't actually get that ice storm! :(

    1. Jeez, it IS crazy. We lucked out big time this time. I'm praying for no ice too; our peach trees are in bloom and if it ices over those peaches are toast.

    2. Yup, that's exactly what happened to our peach and apple trees last year. We had a freaky warm March and then snowstorm in April and nothing bloomed!

    3. My little flowers in the front yard got bit already. I'm pretty sore about that.

  2. Oh no! We got hit hard by the high winds here too! We do get tornadoes in our area. This time they reported the winds as "hurricane force" even though we have never had a hurricane here! We hunkered down in our basement bathroom. After coming upstairs, we saw a lot of our shingles on the deck, in the front yard, in the street and in our neighbors yard. We now had a big bald spot on the roof (sigh!). It was only a few months ago that our furnace died, so here we go with another big expense! I do have an insurance adjuster coming out next week, but I am trying to get someone to come out to put tarp on the roof in the meantime. Hope we don't get rain!

    1. Lord have mercy, we've had the roof woes and the furnace woes before, so I feel you. I'll keep my fingers crossed that y'all get your tarp before it rains. Springtime love it, you hate it.
