Friday, September 23, 2016

Random post to keep my mind settled

Ladies and gents, I certainly do get myself into some tripped out situations.  For those of you that want the story, here's a link.  I sporadically keep a second blog about my pets, and this story is about a new cat.  Let me tell y'all, it's a humdinger!  I never will get over people who are so cotton-pickin' irresponsible with their animals, not to mention dishonest!

What else to do but talk about dolls???  While Callie does her thing and Lily shreds one of my chairs (NO, BAD GIRL!), let me show you some more pieces of the Great Etsy/eBay Haul of June 2016.  Yep, some of it's just now getting here, though admittedly one of these things was only ordered last week.  Regardless of when I ordered it, some of it is getting here now.  Sophie has received a couple of new outfits in the past few weeks, but this one is my favorite one so far.
I have LLLLLLLLLOVED this outfit ever since Fashion Avenue released it back in the late nineties.  This outfit bears a strong resemblance to 1998's Matching Styles 20608, but the shirt is wrong.  The Matching Styles set came with a flowered top, if I remember correctly.  Not that the discrepancy is a huge deal for me.  I wanted the outfit for its red velour overalls and hat, and who cares if this is the right shirt or not???  I'm so pleased to finally have this outfit!

The next item is a whole doll, not just an outfit.  She's also the subject of a Throwback Thursday review that I have planned.  
This is a doll from the Mattel's defunct Flavas.  She suffers from the unfortunate name of P. Bo.  I'm not going to talk about P. Bo at length right now as I have a review planned for that, so I'm just going to say that she's here and I like what I see so far.

As a cute little touch, both Sophie and P. Bo are redheads.  See how cute they are together???
Now that I've successfully vented I'm going to turn off the lights and pray that tomorrow a healthy litter of kittens will have made an appearance.

Much love,


  1. Ah you're right, dolly stuff arriving is always a good pick me up. It always feels like Christmas to me when I open up a boxed doll or accessories.

    I do hope your little kittens also arrive soon, if they haven't already.

    1. It DOES feel like Christmas, yes! As of writing the kittens have not made an appearance. I'm just watching, praying, and trying to stay out of Callie's way.

  2. Congrats on your dolly finds - P Bo and the FA outfit. Always fun to see what's new in your doll world.

    Hope the healthy kittens arrived.

    1. Lord have mercy, that was an insane evening. I'm sorry to say that Callie miscarried all five babies. She retained the fifth one and it caused a nasty infection, but she's home and doing great now. As soon as she's 100% healed I'll get her spayed so this won't happen again.

      Regarding the doll stuff, I've got a series of posts planned. Once the last doll gets here I'll start getting the posts up.
