Saturday, March 7, 2015

Hello everyone!

Hi all you dolly fans, I'm Talolili (real name's Ternessa) and I'm the new contributor to this wonderful blog! I'm so very happy to be here and I hope to make many contributions during my time here. I'd also like to tell you a little about myself and my descent into the doll collecting world.

 I've been into dolls ever since I can remember and like most little girls my favorite was the Barbie doll. I've had so many wonderful Barbies in my hands and I've always been fascinated by everything about her. The clothes, friends, accessories, and the fact that she could be anyone and do anything! She was just perfect.

 I remember finding an issue of Barbie Bazaar at my local Walmart back in the early 2000s and discovering the various vintage and collector Barbie dolls and once again I was obsessed! All the beautiful face sculpts and designs were just so different from what I was used to seeing in the toy aisle. The magazine also featured other dolls such as Blythe, Lollipop Girls, Susie and many others. This was also the beginning of the Silkstone era fashion dolls.

Those glamorous dolls and their high end fashions were just fantastic to little old me (remember I was used to pink and other sparkly bright colors). I was finally able to obtain the Silkstone Lingerie Model #6 back in 2006 and she officially started my adult Barbie doll Collection. Time for playing with dolls was over! I just wanted to display them in all their beautiful glory.

 The next few years  I sadly began to succumb to peer pressure and began to shy away from my Barbie dolls simply because it wasn't "cool" or "in" for a teen girl. I should've known I wouldn't be able to stay away from dolls long since right after starting high school I developed another fascination with very different dolls. Momoko, Jenny and Asian ball jointed dolls BJD/ABJD. I received my first Susie in 2006 and got a Momoko doll from my parents in spring 2007.

 After a lot of saving and selling I purchased my first BJD in 2009 and have added a few more of them in my collection since then. I also collect other fashion dolls such as Misaki, Tonner, Volks and now I'm getting into limited edition Disney dolls. If it weren't for dolls I'm not sure how my life would've gone, but I'm grateful I never out grew them for too long and I hope to enjoy them for many more years to come. Thank you for reading this and thanks for having me!
